
Eight Gift Ideas For Twin Babies

Buying a gift for one baby can be exciting and challenging. So, buying a gift for twin babies can be double the excitement and challenge. Often, you will be tempted to buy two gifts of the same type. However, in some instances, you might want to purchase unique gifts.

Many moms will tell you, the best types of gifts are as fun for the mom as anyone else because she will be the one caring for the twins and bonding with them.

Babyhood Pram

For any set of newborn twins, the mom will appreciate a bunk-style double pram. The double pram is large enough to handle two whopping babies, and one will ride safely above the other as you stroll through the neighborhood, talking and enjoying the sun.

The large and smooth wheels will handle bumpy sidewalks without jarring your little ones. Prams are also equipped with comfortable seat straps to keep your children safe within the seat.

Whether a child rides in the top compartment or the lower one, the sun will not bother either baby because each compartment has a sun hood that protects against harsh sun rays.


Matching quilts can be a fun gift because they come in various themes, colors, and sizes. A pirate quilt can be a gift for the twin that screams the most, and a quilt decorated with ponds and clouds can be for the more peaceful one.

Other designs include backyard playsets as well as a classic white material. Baby quilts are soft and comfortable and will not make your babies itch.

Pram Accessories

Accessories can make the perfect pram even more suitable for walking around the neighborhood or park. For instance, you can purchase head props to help give your pram more support. The supports are made of soft cushions that provide gentle support for each baby’s neck and head.

Other accessories include the pram insert, which fits into the seating compartment and helps keep your baby even more secure and comfortable. For instance, this extra padding is perfect for smaller babies or babies that wiggle.

Finally, a cup holder is perfect for that thirsty mom as she walks around in the heat of the day looking for a distant oasis.


A baby swing can help soothe your child, and two swings can help keep screaming twins quiet and happy. A swing will silently rock your child, allowing you to get in some quality time with friends.

A swing makes the perfect present for a baby who wants to be in the same room with the mother as she works around the house and cooks. Finally, for teething babies, a swing provides an extra amount of stimulation to keep fuss to a minimum.

Activity Center

If you want your twins to have fun with toys, you can purchase an activity center that will seat your child. It will also provide him or her access to colorful toys or accessories. Some play centers are made in a bouncy chair, while others operate more like a swing.

However, they all come with fun and colorful ways to stimulate your child and keep their tiny brains involved with the world.


Two portable cots for twins can provide them sleeping quarters while your family travels. Portable cots collapse into a tight bundle.

Once bundled up, you can pack them away. When you arrive at your city of choice, you can unpack them and bundle your children into comfortable bedding that keeps them safe and enclosed.

Cots can come in the style of a pram, or in the style of a crib. Most of them feature soft, translucent webbing. Consequently, you can keep a close eye on your children while they sleep.


A plush lion or a kangaroo for cuddling will provide your twins with the tactile contact they need for comfort. Plush toys also come in a variety of other shapes, such as elephants or owls.

Rocking Chair

A rocking chair is a perfect gift for twins because it allows the mother to feed each one comfortably. During each scheduled feeding, the chair will enable you to gently rock and relax as your child gets his or her fill. When the burping is over, you can then rock them into soft, safe slumber.  

Finally, these gifts can provide comfort to the baby. However, you must follow every safety precaution. Here’re ten stroller safety tips every parent should know.

About the author

About the author

Lisa Eclesworth is a notable and influential lifestyle writer. She is a mom of two and a successful homemaker. Lisa loves to cook and create beautiful projects with her family. She writes informative and fun articles that her readers love and enjoy. You can directly connect with her on email – or visit her website  

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