
Is Pest Control Necessary In The Winter?

The cold weather isn’t the only thing creeping in this winter. Just as we seek shelter from the cold, so do many creepy-crawler insects and small rodents. But where exactly do insects go in the winter?

Some migrate to warmer weather, while others will seek shelter and even enter different forms of hibernation. Chances are, you and your family aren’t the only inhabitants residing in your home this winter. Consider these three reasons to seek pest control services this season.

1. Dormancy is Temporary

Much like hibernation, many insects will enter a form of dormancy known as diapause. The difference between hibernation and diapause is the level of dormancy. Hibernation is a state of inactive winter sleep, while diapause is a state of rest and slowed development.

Insects in diapause will produce their own form of biological antifreeze through sugars in their cells. So why should you be concerned? Whether these insects and rodents are entering hibernation or diapause, both levels of dormancy will affect you.

Before entering their stage of dormancy, insects and rodents will seek shelter underground, under rocks, or in your sheds or homes. The biggest concern with this is dormancy is only temporary. It isn’t exactly as cute as a groundhog seeing its shadow when your spring indicator is a plethora of insects emerging from their winter hideouts. 

Glen from Diamond Pest Control recommends dealing with rodents and insects at the first sign of an infestation. These creatures tend to breed very quickly once spring arrives. Acting fast can be the difference between being overrun by pests or nipping the problem in the bud.

2. Active Winter Pests

While many pests enter states of diapause or hibernation, there are still a number of them who remain active once discovering shelter in your home. Cockroaches, spiders, and mice are common rodents and insects that will find their way to your attic, basement, or crevices in the structure of your house. 

Mice have incredibly flexible bodies that can squeeze through spaces as small as a dime. As much as you try to weather-proof your home and seal holes and cracks, mice are prone to finding those undiscoverable locations that grant entry to your home.

German cockroaches are common insects that seek warmth and moisture, which often ends up being your kitchen or bathroom. Spiders such as the brown recluse are common winter trespassers and can be dangerous to humans.

3. Damage Control

Aside from pests being a nuisance through their mere existence in your home, they can also cause considerable damage to your house as well as cause harm to you. Rodents such as mice and raccoons can gain access to your walls and cause structural damage, and often will find electrical wires to chew on.  

Certain pests will also carry various diseases such as salmonella and hantavirus. Spider bites are not only painful but can get infected or even be lethal depending on the type of spider’s venom injected in the wound. 

So, the answer to ‘Is pest control necessary in the winter?’ is yes. It is crucial to seek pest control in the winter. From the patiently waiting pests that found refuge in your home, to the active havoc-wreaking insects and rodents, it may be a good idea to seek some professional help this cold season. 

Here are some other simple but useful tips to protect your home from pests.

About the author

About the author

Ella Sampson is a junior at Brigham Young University – Idaho studying Communication with an emphasis in Public Relations. She is from Rexburg, Idaho and loves exploring any and all of the beautiful hikes surrounding East Idaho. She has a passion for good communication and assisting others in their professional endeavors.


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