
Remaining Hopeful During The COVID-19 Pandemic

We went to bed in a world filled with things we have grown accustomed to and taken for granted only to wake up the next day in a different and foreign world. Since its outbreak, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic has been felt around the globe. 

With over 5 million confirmed cases and about  340,000 deaths around the world, health systems and emergency services have been put under extreme pressure. The U.S, with over 1.6 million confirmed cases and about 97,000 deaths, is currently facing a hard time dealing with an overflow of new and critical cases in the hospitals and emergency centers across the country. 

The deaths and negative news in the media make it a challenging time for everyone. The coronavirus pandemic has adversely affected the mental, physical, and financial state of many families. Financial woes and separation from family members and loved ones have also led to depression and an increase in suicide cases.

The living condition of many has been altered, causing fights and frustrations in some households and leading to an upsurge in domestic violence. More so, many children have been trapped with their abusers during the lockdown with nowhere to go.

The uncertainty of not knowing how long this will last is most terrifying. However, we must not lose hope. Rather than feeling terrified, agitated, and hopeless from the happenings around the world, now is the time to remain informed on the choices that can keep you and your family safe and healthy.

It’s also time to focus on positivity and find hope and encouragement amidst the chaos. With several states in the U.S gradually uplifting lockdown restrictions, there’s a debate on the impact this will have on the welfare of the people. And as more businesses reopen with some limitations, people are encouraged to maintain social distance and use face masks.

How To Keep You and Your Family Safe

Take Responsibility

Remember, your actions or lack of it can affect not just you but also the people around you. We are all reminded now, more than before, of the need to treat each other with compassion and respect.

Practice social distancing to keep you and your neighbors safe. Avoid public gatherings and limit the time outside your home to grocery shopping or other essentials.  

Taking responsibility means you understand how vital your role to flattening the curve is. In fact, your survival may depend on this. You should play your part in helping the government, health care workers, and scientists find a means to end this pandemic. 

Staying at home every day, possibly away from families and loved ones can be challenging. However, it’s crucial to look on the bright side and use this event as an opportunity to address specific areas of your life that may have been lacking. 

Here are some tips to help you remain hopeful during the COVID-19 pandemic.

More Family Time

There has been an increase in the number of online videos of families bonding through dancing, acting, and music. If you’ve been a workaholic with little or no time for family matters, now, while working from home, you can create time to bond with your kids and get more involved in their activities.

Instead of spending the days in fear and hopelessness, look around you, and you’ll find so many things to be thankful for. If you have a backyard, enjoy it. Play fetch with the dogs or ball with your kids. You and your family can still spend time in nature-on the grass and around the trees while still maintaining social distance.

The earlier you start making your family’s health a priority, the better. By educating yourself and your family on the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle and making informed choices, you’ll be giving them the gift of better health now and for many years to come.

Time to Plan for Success

‘After the storm comes the calm.’ The lockdown, though inconvenient, has created some quiet that will bring clarity to many. Seize the opportunity to start working on that idea you have been putting off for long.

During the bubonic plague in 1665, Issac Newton had to work from home after the University of Cambridge closed its campus temporarily. It was during this time Newton developed the Theory of Gravity. You, too, can discover the next big thing!

Take advantage of this time to deeply reflect on past choices and mistakes and begin making plans for a better tomorrow. Let this lockdown teach you how your retirement will be.

Often, old age comes with health challenges, and there may be a reduction in your income. Seize the moment to begin making plans for your retirement.

Reset Life Priorities

Fortunately, for many, the current happenings have been a wakeup call. People are beginning to reevaluate their priorities. Focusing on what’s most important will ultimately improve the quality of life. 

Reset your priorities, make concrete plans to ensure a more productive and successful you is born when this is all over. 

Getting Involved in Rewarding Activities

Time and again, we overlook the seemingly mundane activities in life that can be a source of hope and encouragement during a challenging time. You can still exercise while practicing social distancing. Take long walks around your house. Movement is medicine!

Prayer and meditation are effective ways to calm the storm of fear and despair within us. Find what works for you and do not relent. Remember, mental health can affect our physical health as well.

Finally, not everyone will get COVID-19, but everyone will be affected by the aftermath. Stay informed and hopeful, and remember your reaction to a situation determines its outcome.

Please watch the following video and know your value is established internally. Covid-19, lockdowns, social distancing, working from home doesn’t determine your value.

About the author

About the author

In 1995, Gerardo Campbell married his now ex-wife becoming the stepdad to her two children. In 2011, he started Support for Stepfathers to reverse the nearly 70% divorce rate for blended families in the US. His website is to help and inspire stepfathers, aspiring stepfathers, and the women who love them worldwide. You can follow Support for Stepdads on Twitter and Facebook.

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