
Five Reasons Your Child Can’t Play Independently

Many parents complain kids do not play on their own. Each time, amidst hysteria, many children will demand their moms take part in these games. And she often already has a “tongue on her shoulder”, trying to handle house chores and other family responsibilities.

Typically, a mother devotes most of her time to her child. This can sometimes lead to sadness, longing, a feeling of self-dissatisfaction and can even turn into a protracted depression. Moms who are more knowledgeable open our website “Stork on the Roof” and receive invaluable tips. Here are five reasons why your child can’t play independently.

1. Modern Kids have too many Toys

It is interesting how little children cannot play alone even with an incredible variety of toys available, not because there are few toys, but rather a whole bunch of them. This often leaves many parents confused about what to do.

Experts argue this happens due to satiety. Years back, a child had only a wooden doll and a rusty nail. Today, in this regard, many children have an abundance of toys. And it’s hard for a child to fantasize – everything is already there. Hence the moral: do not flood your child with toys. It will only get worse. 

During childhood, some parents had a shortage of toys. So now, having given birth to a child, they make up for it. When buying toys, they are guided by their desires, and not the child’s. Some have a desire to buy their kid as many toys as possible, and not simple ones, but with “gadgets”.

As a result, their complexity and diversity cause apathy in the child. He does not need to imagine the machine is driving because, in reality, it is independently driving around the apartment. So it is essential to let them choose what they actually want around them.

2. Parents Plan the Activity for the Child

We want our kids to develop quickly so, we come up with super games for them to develop intelligence. Often, from the load on the brain, the child no longer wants to entertain himself and comes up with a new one.

Sometimes, the baby’s day is scheduled by the hour and there is no time for his own decisions. Everything has already been decided by mom and dad. But playing a game is a creative process, that requires inspiration and freedom of action.

3. We Turn on the TV, Give Tablets and Phones

Another reason why your child can’t play independently is due to the early introduction of a TV, tablet, and phone. It’s convenient for them – a quick way to keep your child busy. Usually, this causes strong interest, and at the same time, the craving for independent games is reduced.

Why would a kid think up scenarios, entertain himself when there are already finished videos and pictures? However, it is worth noting that the child does not develop creativity with this approach.

4. We Teach and Teach

Recently, parents have been striving to engage in the development of the child as early as possible. However, these efforts do give the desired result and sometimes have the opposite effect. The tortured child begins to slow down in development. Hence the conclusion: do not overdo it, speeding up the process can be detrimental. Better everything runs its course.

5. We are not Inspired

More often than not, the child’s imagination just ends. Sometimes he lacks ideas and life experiences to understand how to diversify his gameplay. A loss of interest can also be a contributing factor.

How to Teach a Child to Play Independently

  • If your kid has a huge number of toys and he is bored, then remove the majority. Leave a few, and then replace them so that interest does not fade away. And remember, it is better for a child to choose an ordinary doll than one that talks and performs many other actions. Let him use his imagination.
  • Do not overload the child with developmental activities. Sometimes, allow your child to look out of the window, see how a new house is being built, load containers of a garbage truck, or let them play natural games like water games. You can find the best water table games online for kids of all ages. Allow him to use his initiative so he can decide what to play, where and when.
  • Even if you resort to the help of a TV, tablet, and phone, you should limit the viewing time. However, it’s best to introduce your child to gadgets as late as possible. Up to two years, a child can safely do without it. Otherwise, do not ask yourself later why the child does not play independently on a yearly basis.
  • To help a child develop mentally, give him the opportunity to do it on his own. Create a space where he can play safely. Do not interfere with the process. When the child comes to you – only then connect even if his activities seem silly to you. At the same time, he becomes aware of the surroundings and world.
  • If your child is bored, introduce a new game. Discuss the scenario, help look at the old toys in a new way, and then return to your business and do not correct. It will become his game and his rules. You will only give impetus to his new adventures.

Finally, playing alone is an important phase for children. It’s an excellent way to learn essential life skills and a necessary stage for development, just as the child’s ability to quench his thirst, hunger, go to the toilet himself. When a child begins to play independently, it becomes much easier for parents.

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About the author

Lori Anderson is a mother of three that enjoys sharing her experiences and resources that have helped her along the way. She is the Founder of where she writes helpful parenting advice.

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