FamilyTo Be a Father

A Guide For The First Time Father

Fathering children is a joy that knows no bounds, but it comes with its own set of insecurities and headaches. Hence, a guide for the first time father comes in handy. The first year of fatherhood can be soul-lifting and, at the same time, utterly awful.

If you are becoming a father for the first time, knowing what to expect can help you to do the right thing at the right time. Most people will provide their newborn advice for dads, which is excellent in its own right as long as people do not generalize based on their own experiences. We offer expert guidance and a “dad to be checklist” that is based on real-life experiences of innumerable dads.

You don’t necessarily have to figure it out on your own when you can borrow from the lives of countless generations who have come before you. It’s not going to be easy, and you may find yourself frustrated in your new life. But hang in there, keep going, and enjoy the little moments while they last. Here’s a guide for the first time father. 

1. Support your Partner when you Can

This should be a no-brainer, and most fathers are empathetic enough to support their partners after the delivery. Regardless of how it goes, the mother will need plenty of rest for her body to recover fully. Apart from breastfeeding, there isn’t a single thing that dads can’t do. Be it bathing, changing overnight diapers, rocking them to sleep, or simply playing with the kid – everything is shared territory.

If you’re confused about which overnight diapers are right for your newborn, you can read these overnight diapers reviews and get the best to ensure your baby sleeps through the night. Giving your partner a break will gain you extra points in her eyes, not to mention a dad bonding with a newborn is a sight to die for.

2. Give your Baby Skin Contact

Bonding with your newborn may not be as instant as it is shown in the movies. The baby still feels comfortable with only one person in the world – the mother (who is his world). Getting the baby to become comfortable with the dad can be a task in itself.

Thankfully, science has decoded this for us. Studies have proven that holding your baby and having skin-to-skin contact can calm your baby and comfort him instantly. So,a couple of weeks after your baby comes home, the most important newborn advice for dads is to take the shirt off and spend some time with the baby in his diaper.

Not only will it decrease his crying, but it will also stabilize his heart, maintain his blood pressure and body temperature, and ease him to sleep. This is the surest way of a dad bonding with a newborn baby.

3. Have the Heart to Say “No” to Uninvited Guests

Of course, friends and relatives will be anxious to meet the newborn baby and be a part of the joy. But you must say no after a while, and you have to stand your ground. Door-bell ringing and visitors coming in all day long are guaranteed to make life insufferable for you and your baby.

If you and the mom are just not up to taking in guests just yet, as the dad, you should take charge and refuse (politely) any visitor. Most visitors will understand, and your partner will feel relieved knowing she didn’t have to be the one to do it.

If you are up to it, hanging a “DND” sign on your door may actually do the trick. This way, the baby won’t be disturbed by the untimely doorbell rings and continue with his much-needed nap.

4. Learn how to Change the Diaper

You knew this one was coming. There’s no way around it. A baby is a relentless poop and pee machine, and it needs to be serviced every few hours. There is no other entity in the world that can produce so much waste. On average, you may be required to change the diaper every 2 hours, which, once the math sets in, is simply too much.

One of the dad’s roles with the newborn is to change diapers, and it’s not exclusive to mothers only. You can, at least for the night, put on an overnight diaper. These are made with super absorbent polymer and can hold the amount of fluid you can expect from a 12-hour night.

Now, let’s get to changing diapers. First, take a deep breath and assess the damage. Be prepared for the worst. From a little brown nugget with a little curry on the side to a hazardous poop explosion that has left the confines of the diaper – it could be anything. Either way, it’s best to take the baby near the bathroom for a thorough clean. It will also teach him to relate poop with the bathroom.

Undo the diaper, clean excess poo from behind, and wipe your baby’s butt with a baby wipe. Dispose of the dirty diaper and pat dry the baby’s bottom to avoid any rashes. Lay your baby down on the back of the new diaper, which has sticky tabs. Bring up the front and attach the tabs together. Remember to keep it tight enough to keep it from slipping, and loose enough to keep the blood circulation going.

5. Have a Thick Skin

Mother knows best, which can really frustrate the dads if they are sincerely looking to help. When you are helping her with the baby, your partner may correct you at times. Sometimes, it may seem like she wants things done her away. Don’t overthink it, as this is normal behavior.

Mothers are overly protective, an instinct that comes naturally to them. It’s their way of trying to bring order to things they feel are out of their control (they might be correct sometimes). But do not worry.

The nitpicking and constant corrections will ease up as your partner’s confidence in your parenting skills increase over time. After all, the feeling of becoming a father comes only through the mother.

6. Have the Doctor on Speed Dial

Meeting your baby for the first time can be a powerful experience and may bring even the toughest of men to tears. But you should be prepared for much more as taking care of a kid can induce a mix of fear, joy, love, and frustration.

However, through it all, you will fret a lot about your baby’s health. You may end up calling your baby’s doctor so many times he might actually know you by your first name.

The baby looks delicate and dainty, and you should be ready for any emergency. The anxiety may be natural, but it still is worth the while to have some expert opinion.


The feeling of becoming a father is truly ineffable. However, these preparatory tips will help keep your newborn safe. You can lay your fears to rest with this checklist. A dad’s role with a newborn child may not be an easy one, but it is still full of small treasures and lifetime memories.

There is no better sensation in the world than meeting your kid for the first time, and that’s enough to aspire you to provide for your child’s every need and become a better person yourself in the process.

Remember, raising a child is a team effort. The latest addition in the family requires equal work from you and your partner. You might want to give your partner some time off to take care of the baby. Your partner will be grateful to you, and you can have the added time to bond with your newborn.

Let us know in the comments what you think. 

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About the author

Elizabeth is Mom of two kids. As a freelance writer on the health and fitness field, she has been able to achieve a large following through writing various articles for websites and her blog Top-Mom across the globe.

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