
Ten Signs Of Intimacy Issues In Your Marriage

Being married and spending your life with someone you love is amazing, but not all marriages are good marriages. Some people are dealing with problems that are influencing their marriage and making them unhappy.

Intimacy issues are among the most common and most difficult problems you could be facing, so here are ten signs of intimacy issues in your marriage.

1. No Time

Taking care of the kids and being stuck at work all day long can take a toll on you, and make you quite tired. It also means you probably have no time or energy for anything else, including sex.

Still, no matter how busy your schedule is, you should always be able to find some time for your partner. You don’t have to spend hours making love, but try dedicating as much time to your relationship as possible.

2. No Good Sex

After a while, many couples lose interest and aren’t as into each other as they once were in the beginning. This can happen after a year, three years, ten or twenty, but it will surely happen sooner or later. And when that happens, most couples stop having great and passionate sex and start having average or bad sex instead.

Of course, this doesn’t have to happen, especially if you’re ready to introduce changes into your sex life every once in a while and spice things up. This will save your sex life and your marriage, in the end, so be sure to do it today!

3. No Effort

There are very few things worse than bad sex life, but effortless sex is one of those things. This is when you’re too tired to be creative and passionate, or just too stuck in a routine to do something about it.

So, when you’re putting no effort into your sex life, there’s just one thing you can do – talk to your partner and restart your relationship. Go back to basics, do some of the things you know your spouse loves, and stick to simple stuff until you regain confidence.

4. No Ideas

Even the best marital sex can get a bit boring after a while, especially with people who aren’t creative and do the same things over and over again. Luckily, you can fix this problem quite easily – just introduce a few changes and find out what works for you and your partner the most.

There are lots of ideas out there – from simple role-playing games to exciting sex toys for women that come in different shapes and sizes, so look into these and get them asap.

5. No Sex at All

There’s another thing that’s worse than bad or effortless sex life – having no sex at all. It is one of the signs of intimacy issues in a marriage and the worst thing that can happen to you and your partner. This is definitely something you need to work on quickly.

Fixing a sexless marriage might take a lot of time and effort, so figure out what the problem is, stop making excuses, and rediscover your passion once again!

6. No Communication

Most people connect intimacy with proper connection with their partners, and if you’re unable to talk to your spouse openly and honestly, the chances are you’ll be having intimacy issues too. Opening up to another person is hard, but keep in mind that this is someone you’re married to and a person you love, so just talk to them and be open. Once you fix your communication, you’ll fix your intimacy issues as well, so start communicating as soon as possible.

7. No Confidence

This is another common problem, especially for older people who don’t look as good as they used to ten or twenty years ago. They simply aren’t as young as they once were, and they’re not happy with their bodies. That’s why they lose confidence and their desire to have sex. If this is happening to you too, try to fall in love with your body again, and you’ll stop having intimacy issues before you know it.

8. No Peace

Criticizing your partner and pointing out their issues and problems is easy, but this is something you shouldn’t do when you’re married. Being defensive and critical is easier than being constructive and helpful, so do your best to compliment your partner and focus on their positive sides instead of the negative.

9. No Alone Time

Having kids is the best thing in the world, but not all people feel that way. The fact is, kids can ruin your intimacy with your spouse and leave you with literally no alone time. Still, no matter how difficult raising kids is, it doesn’t mean you can’t find time for your partner.

Go away for the weekend, hiring a babysitter, or having a quiet dinner after your kids go to bed will do wonders for your marriage, so start practicing these things too.

10. No Emotions

In the end, if you fail to fix your relationship, you’ll feel emotionless and simply stop loving your spouse. This is probably the worst outcome, so you need to spot the signs of intimacy issues in your marriage and stop it while you have a chance.

Keep in mind sexual intimacy isn’t the only intimacy in your marriage, but there’s emotional intimacy as well, and it’s more than important. It will help you connect to your spouse on a higher level and fix your relationship, and that’s always a good thing!

In this day and age, there’s no shame in having intimacy issues. But, you need to work on them and fix your marriage before it’s too late, so start doing that today! 

About the author

About the author

Peter is a lifestyle writer and a recent newlywed living in Brisbane, Australia. After graduating from the Australian Institute of Creative Design, he worked as a fashion stylist. Peter also worked as a freelance writer for a few local magazines in Brisbane. Besides writing, he loves shopping, cooking exotic meals, and traveling around tropical destinations with his hubby Josh. His plans are to create his personal lifestyle blog about everyday life-saving tips. Follow Peter on Facebook and Twitter.

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