Great Husband TipsHumor

Friday Humor And Ten Gift Giving Tips For Guys

Keith and Mike were at lunch, enjoying their meals and conversation. The subject of Valentine’s Day came up. Keith asked, “Mike, what did you get your wife?”

Mike answered I got her a dozen red roses and a box of Ghirardelli chocolates. “What did you get your wife?” Mike asked. Keith proudly responded I bought my wife a designer belt and bag.

Mike praised Keith for his getting his wife such thoughtful and expensive gifts. Keith agreed with his friend and said, “The vacuum cleaner should run great!”

Some women will get madder than a mosquito in a mannequin factory when you buy them a vacuum cleaner to do housework. Other women will be happier than a tornado in a trailer park when you give them the latest Dyson vacuum.

Gentlemen, to avoid unnecessary drama with your significant other, it’s essential to get on her wavelength to learn her likes and dislikes.

Pay attention to things she points to or mentions when you’re out shopping or watching TV ads. 

The perfect gift isn’t the same for everyone; however, following these ten tips will help you to give her a memorable and thoughtful gift.

  1. It’s an Appliance she Wants. If she specifically asked for a waffle maker or air fryer, you’re safe to get her one. However, just because your woman likes to cook doesn’t necessarily mean she wants a kitchen appliance.
  2. Getting Clothes are Risky. Buying her clothes is risky for several reasons. If you get her something too big, she may get offended; if you get her something too small, she might feel bad about herself. Additionally, you run the risk of getting her something that’s not her style.
  3. Memorable Picture. Giving her a picture of the two of you doing something memorable will pay significant relationship dividends. Although, make sure you don’t give her a picture of yourself, especially one where you’re posing like a model.
  4. The Gift can be Easily Exchanged. If your significant other dislikes the gift you bought, you can quickly restore the peace by getting her something she likes.
  5. Nothing Related to Losing Weight. Nothing communicates you’re not satisfied with your significant other the way she is than giving her anything related to losing weight.
  6. The Gift is Exclusively for Her. Buying the latest flat-screen TV and calling it a gift for her because she’ll use it too doesn’t work. Give her something specifically for her.
  7. Tickets to Events She’d Wants to Attend. Unless she’s a rabid sports fan, skip getting tickets to sporting events. A better option might be getting tickets for two to the opera, ballet, or Broadway musical. Yes, tickets for two, you should plan on accompanying her. 
  8. Cosmetics/Perfume. Buy only if she asked for a specific fragrance. Otherwise, stay away from the perfume counter. She might hate the scent you pick or worse – she might be allergic to it. Also, the words out that some men think gifting wrinkle cream is a good idea – not. I suggest staying away from the cosmetic department.
  9. Be Thoughtful. Like it or not, gift cards and cash to a woman screams there was no creativity or thought behind the purchase. Likewise, buying clothing that’s four sizes too big or giving flowers or chocolate when they’re allergic reflects a lack of consideration. Your woman may have loved the day at the spa you got for her last year, but she’s expecting something different this year. Although you may not remember what you got her last year, you can be sure she hasn’t.
  10. Give What Your Significant Other Wants – Not What You Want to Give. Let go of any expectations. If your expectation is your wife becomes a seamstress sewing homemade clothes, drapes, and slipcovers, but your lady hates to sew, you risk hell’s fury by buying her a sewing machine.

Hey, ladies, is there something you like to add? We guys need all the help we can get. Please share it in the comments. Thank you.

“Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are able to give.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

About the author

About the author

In 1995, Gerardo Campbell married into a blended family, becoming the stepdad to his wife’s two children. In 2011, he started Support for Stepfathers to reverse the nearly 70% divorce rate for blended families in the US. His website is to help and inspire stepfathers, aspiring stepfathers, and the women who love them. You can follow Support for Stepdads on Twitter and Facebook.





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