SonsTo Be a Father

Five Fun Sports For Father And Son Bonding

Being a father is one of the best things in the world and it brings a special experience. However, being a father isn’t just about being proud of your kids’ accomplishments and enjoying their successes.

It’s actually about being there for them and supporting them in whatever they do. Bonding with your kids from the first day of their lives is one of the most important things you’ll ever do.

Finding activities you and your loved ones can enjoy together is far from easy, but it’s actually not hard if you have a son instead of a daughter. So, if you too are looking for some father and son bonding ideas, here are five fun sports for father and son bonding.



Just because this is the oldest trick in the book doesn’t mean it’s ineffective and boring. On the contrary, playing sports is one of the best ways to do something good for the physical and mental development of your child.

It also comes with a number of benefits. From working on their physique to learning how to accept defeat. Playing sport is one of the best activities out there. 

Basketball is one of the most exciting sports out there, and it’s quite beneficial as well. It can boost your son’s health, improve his hand-eye coordination, do wonders for his agility, and help him understand the importance of teamwork.

So, purchase a basketball as soon as you can, and start practicing. Most dads don’t want to start too early, but the fact is, it’s never too early to start playing and watching basketball.


If your son isn’t a fan of group sports, you can always introduce him to tennis! Lots of professional tennis players started getting interested in this sport at a very young age – three or four is the perfect time to fall in love with tennis.

What’s even better is we live in a great technological era, which is why modern tennis players are using rackets that aren’t just light and powerful, but also visually appealing at the same time. With this, getting your kid interested in this sport shouldn’t be too hard.

However, try not to be overbearing and make your kid suffer. Just because you’d like him to be successful and skilled doesn’t mean you should force him to train all day, every day. Tennis should be a chance for you two to bond, and turning it into anything else is a wrong move.

Dirt biking

Now, if you’re into activities that are a bit more adventurous, dirk biking might be the right sports for bonding with your son. It’s an exciting and interesting activity, and it will definitely earn you the title of the best dad ever.

Dirt biking also improves your kid’s concentration and focus, as well as boost their self-confidence and ability to operate vehicles. In fact, it’s a great way to bond with him, which makes this a chance you should definitely make the most of.

However, not all dirt biking experiences are the same, and you need to make sure you’re doing everything right. Think about your kid’s safety, and don’t purchase biking equipment from shops you can’t trust.

Sticking to people who sell only the best dirt bike parts is a better alternative. This means your kid will have all the protection and biking equipment he deserves.

All you have to do is to make sure you’re always by his side, trying to stay on top of things and your kid will fall in love with dirt biking sooner than you think.

Combat Sports

This might not be an activity suitable for all kids. However, if your son is active and interested in learning how to defend himself, combat sports might be the perfect fit for him.

Whether it’s boxing, karate, taekwondo, or something else, these things are great for his body and mind. And if you’re participating with him, you can teach him how to do these things in the right way without putting anyone in danger.

What’s even better, you can do these things at home too. Wrestling around the living room might not be your wife’s ideal way to spend your free time, but your kid is going to love it. Again, don’t forget to be careful and you’ll be teaching your son a number of valuable life lessons as well.


This doesn’t sound like the most exciting father and son bonding idea in the world, but running is an effective bonding sport. Running benefits children in a number of ways, making them healthier, happier and more confident.

It’s also completely free and you can do it whenever you want to, regardless of where you live and how much free time you have. What you need to do first is to teach your son the importance of running when he’s still young.

Encourage him to explore the world around him that way, and be with him every step of the way, and he’ll soon realize why running is so exciting. Also, don’t be afraid to participate in 5K runs with him from time to time, and you’ll bond on a much higher level.

Finally, these fun sports for father and son bonding will definitely give you a good head start. However, it doesn’t really matter what you do with your son, as long as you do it. Kids love different sports, so listen to his wishes and hang out with him as much as you can.

Here’re some more tips for bonding with your son.

About the author

About the author

Peter is a lifestyle writer and a recent newlywed living in Brisbane, Australia. After graduating from the Australian Institute of Creative Design, he worked as a fashion stylist. Peter also worked as a freelance writer for a few local magazines in Brisbane. Besides writing, he loves shopping, cooking exotic meals and traveling around tropical destinations with his hubby Josh. His plans are in creating his personal lifestyle blog about everyday life-saving tips. Follow Peter on Facebook and Twitter.

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