
Tips From Celebrity Stepmoms On How To Sleep Better

It’s already hard being a parent, you’re on watch 24/7 monitoring your kids and you need to be their role model, someone they can look up to. You give your children directions, impose rules, set limits, use discipline, teach values, and teach them they’re in charge of their actions and they need to deal with the consequences. 

However, being a stepparent is something a lot harder. Stepparents are usually put in the middle of a family dynamic that has been there for a long time. Either way, one thing is for sure, neither stepparents nor parents get enough sleep because of their busy schedules.

Little did we know a lot of celebrities are also stepparents. We bet it’s hard for them to make time for both their stepchildren and their life full of obligations and work, just like it’s for us. However, they somehow manage to do it and make it seem perfect.

Gabrielle Union

Gabrielle Union is an actress, who is married to Dwyane Wade. They recently welcomed their first child, Kaavia James. Not a lot of us know that Dwyane has three sons from his first marriage and Gabrielle has a lot to do with raising his boys, but it looks like she’s doing a great job.

Some of the tricks Gabrielle gave us, which help her stay youthful and well-rested, in addition to all the commitments are:

  • always drink a gallon of water a day
  • exercise
  • sleep 8 hours every night

All of us know exercise is very important for everyone’s health, and by that we also mean sleep. It lifts up the mood and reduces stress, improving our circadian rhythm (internal body clock), which helps you stay awake during the day and get sleepy as the night approaches. Therefore, exercise helps people with sleep disorders, such as insomnia or sleep apnea.

There are some unanswered questions for us too, for example, what kind of exercise is the best or when it’s the best time to do exercise in order to improve your sleep. One thing is for sure, exercise does hold great promise for improving your sleep. 

Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez is an actress, singer and a full-time mom and a stepmom. Considering all of this, we bet she doesn’t have a lot of time for herself, but somehow she manages everything to look perfect. How?

Jennifer once revealed tips and tricks she uses:

  • sleep at least 8 hours every night
  • drink a lot of water
  • get a good cleanser
  • spend as much time with your family

From her first marriage, Jennifer has twins, Max and Emme, and by being with Alex Rodriguez, a baseball player, she became a stepmom to his daughters, Ella and Natasha.

Most of us can’t get a lot of sleep and getting 8 hours of sleep just sounds impossible. However, there are always some tips and tricks on how to use your time for the best quality sleep possible.

  • make a schedule and try to stick with it as much as you can
  • turn off your screens before bed and try not to use tech devices at least an hour before falling asleep
  • avoid heavy food before going to bed
  • limit alcohol
  • cut out the cigarettes
  • be as positive as possible

Another important thing is WATER! Keeping your hydration level up and avoiding sugary drinks full of caffeine during the day will give you more energy. Water also fills your cells and they are less prone to wrinkling.

Drinking a lot of water will help your body digest food better and burn calories more efficiently. Drinking a glass of cold water before bed will help you fall asleep faster and improve your sleep quality.

Kelly Clarkson

Some stars have some very bizarre sleeping habits, and one of them is Kelly Clarkson. When she married her husband Brandon Blackstock in 2013, she became a stepmom to his kids, Seth and Savannah. Later they got two children of their own, River Rose and Remington Alexander. 

It looks like Kelly is having quite a lot of things on her plate. However, she still does some pretty weird things before she goes to bed.

She once said she can’t go to sleep before she writes/composes everything in her head. “That’s why I have a hard time sleeping,” she said. “A lot of those times are at night.” Sleep experts often say that we should keep a notebook next to our bed to write our thoughts or worries that keep us awake and to get back to them the next day, but it seems like Kelly took it too seriously.

Finally, being a stepparent isn’t an easy thing to do, it takes a lot of patience and will to be a great stepparent. Some celebrities are also stepparents themselves, and then it’s easier for us to accept some of their suggestions.

As we read, celebrities are just like us, they have their own habits which they follow and that work just fine for them, even though sometimes they might sound a bit strange. Here’s a story of a famous stepmom Sarah Lincoln who made a remarkable impact in her stepchild’s life.

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About the author

Working with sleep experts at made Hristina Nikolovska realize that a quality mattress can help anyone get a proper night’s rest even if you get less than the ideal amount of sleep. Consequently, she’s now eager to help others find their perfect mattress by promoting her teams’ hard work!

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