
Seven Inexpensive Security Options For Homes

The crime rate in the United States has increased over the last decade, and it has now become essential to take steps to maintain the security and safety of your home and your place of business. 

Theft and robberies are the two most common crimes in the United States. According to a recent report by the FBI, about 3700 robberies happen every day in the United States. 

So, in light of these numbers, you can understand how important it is to have an effective security system at your home and business. Today, we are going to be discussing some effective and inexpensive security options to help you increase and improve the security of your home and workplace.

1. Install CCTV Cameras

What is CCTV? Well, CCTV is a kind of camera that relays their recording to a specific location over a closed circuit. This is why CCTV stands for closed-circuit television. 

Installing CCTV or as they are more commonly known surveillance cameras can be a very effective way to secure your home or workplace for an affordable price. 

Unlike the old days, security cameras are considerably cheaper these days, and by using the modern wireless security cameras, you can also limit the expenditure of wires and DVRs. 

Security cameras can effectively deter crime in most cases and keep your home or workplace safe. So, look into installing a surveillance camera system to increase and improve your security

2. Install an Alarm System

Though a security camera system is sufficient most of the time, it does have some limitations. Maybe a thief or robber doesn’t even see the camera, and they aren’t deterred. Even though they would most probably get caught, by then, the damage would have already been done.

An alarm system can be a very effective addition to your security system. Make sure you have the alarm circuit completed with all the doors and windows of your home or workplace to ensure the alarm will go off if there is a forced entry or break-in at any point. 

A loud alarm will definitely deter any criminal trying to break into your home or business. 

3. Get a Guard Dog

One of the most economical and effective ways to maintain the security of your home is by getting a guard dog. Even though this technique is ancient, it is still effective. 

Most robberies are crimes of opportunities, and robbers look for easy houses to break in to. If they see a big and scary guard dog in front of your house, they definitely aren’t going to try and rob your home. 

Also, a guard dog is like an inexpensive motion-activated and sound sensing alarm. It can be a loving and loyal pet as well. 

4. Buy a Home Protection Weapon

You can also buy a home defense weapon to keep your home or small business safe. Many people keep shotguns and handguns in their homes and shops to fend off criminals. If you’re going to get a home defense weapon, go for smaller calibers or non-lethal options like Tazer guns and pepper spray. 

5. Focus on Cybersecurity as well

Cybersecurity is another crucial aspect homes, and especially businesses have to focus on. Corporate espionage and identity theft are serious threats, which happen because of poor cybersecurity in most cases. 

For a home, installing a good quality router with decent password encryption is enough. However, for large businesses with servers and a lot of sensitive data, hiring a cybersecurity team is the better option. 

6. Secure the Access Points of your Home and Business

To keep your home and your business place safe, you should secure the entrance points. Installing security cameras all over the place can be expensive. So, beef up the security at the entrance and exit points so you can keep track of who is coming and going. 

This is a useful security maintenance tactic, and you should also have only one main entrance and exit, so everyone has to go through it to enter or exit the building. 

7. Try using Dummy Cameras

Even though cameras are somewhat more affordable than they used to be, they can still cost a fair amount of money. However, if you are installing security cameras to deter criminals, you can also use dummy cameras. 

These devices aren’t actually cameras, but they are designed to look exactly like them. Place the cameras at prominent locations to deter criminals and keep intruders away. 

Finally, improving home security should be every home owner’s goal. An automated home security system can go a long way toward ensuring your home’s safety. Here are five top benefits of home security automation.

About the author

About the author

Taylor Starc is a student of software technology, in his first year at Columbia State University. His obsession with security gadgets and new technologies has made him research more and more on the respective topic. In his free time, he likes to take up writing projects to support his education. He regularly writes blogs at


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