
Reasons Why Dental Visits Are Important For Kids

Going to the dentist can be a pricey excursion and one your kids probably aren’t thrilled to go on. The dentist can be scary for little kids, not to mention stressful for you, the parent.

Sometimes it feels like it would be easier to change that twice-a-year appointment to once a year, but visiting the dentist bi-annually is more important than you think. Here are three reasons why bi-annually dental visits are important for kids.

To Check For Cavities

How many times do you have to tell your kids to brush their teeth before they reluctantly obey? How many nights do you let them skip brushing their teeth just so you can get some peace? With all the sugary foods kids manage to eat, especially during the holidays, their teeth are at high risk for cavities, even if they are brushing every day.

However, brushing isn’t the only important step during a healthy oral routine—kids should also be flossing regularly. Flossing can be painful at first, which might dissuade your kids from doing it. However, it helps rid the nooks and crannies of the teeth from plaque.

When you visit the dentist, they inspect the mouth and clear it of plaque that has built up. During the inspection, the doctor will see problem areas like cavities and treat them accordingly.

If you think the cleaning on its own is an expensive trip to the dentist, you won’t like the added costs of a cavity. Regular dental visits can prevent cavities by cleaning away destructive tartar and plaque that would potentially start to rot the tooth.

Look for Signs of Bad Habits

Grinding your teeth, chewing your nails, and eating sticky or hard sweets are all examples of bad habits that can damage your teeth. Kids are sometimes guilty of all three of these at a time, so they need the help of a dentist to understand the danger of these habits for their teeth.

While a parent can describe these problems too, a dentist in a white coat with a name tag can sometimes be the factor that helps kids change. Once a child is aware of their bad habits, they can begin the change to prevent any further damage.

Take X-Rays

Unless you are a super-parent with x-ray vision, you won’t know what’s going on under the gums. This is why it can be crucial to visit the dentist regularly. X-rays help your dentist see issues that may not have been recognizable otherwise.

Problems found in x-rays include impacted teeth, bone decay, cysts, or even tumors. Catching these problems early can be crucial in their treatment and your child’s oral health. Six months may be all the difference in these problems, which is why it is vital you take your child to the dentist twice a year.

Though the dental bills might make you think you can get away with only taking your child to the dentist once a year, you shouldn’t risk it. You may be putting your child’s oral health at risk and you’ll end up paying (more) for it later.

Finally, these are some important reasons why dental visits are important for kids. Plus, making a dental appointment isn’t too hard, some dental practices like even allow you to fill out the patient form online before your appointment!

Taking your child to the dentist regularly teaches them the importance of their teeth and how to take care of them. Here are five ways to protect your child’s teeth.

About the author

About the author

Hannah Anderson has a B.S. in Communications and Public Relations. She is from Logandale, Nevada and enjoys reading World War II novels, being outdoors, cooking and spending time with her husband. She loves working with other people and seeing progress on all types of projects.


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