
Five Ways Grandparents Can Help With Their Grand-kids

There is no arguing with the fact that parents are instrumental in a child’s emotional, psychological, and even physical development. However, grandparents can also help their grand-kids significantly.

Parents instill lifelong habits and passions in their children, helping them become successful, thriving, and healthy adults. That said, do you know just how important grandparents are in the lives of your children? Can grandma and grandpa influence your child positively and help you achieve your parenting goals? Absolutely!

You need to know how to steer all of that love and affection in a positive direction, and set some boundaries for your children and their grandparents as well. Here are the five ways grandparents can help with their grand-kids.

Learning About Love and Emotional Development

There is nothing quite like the warm embrace of a grandparent to teach a young child all about love, compassion, and the healthy expression of their emotions. If there is anything a grandparent can teach their grand-kids, it’s how to be kind and selfless. How to also respect others regardless of their race, gender or age, and how to give and receive unconditional love.

This is even more important if you have a son. Boys tend to have a more challenging time recognizing their emotions and channeling them in a positive direction. Grandmas and grandpas can teach your little man it’s okay to express their feelings and that a “real man” is honest about the way he feels. This kind of lesson will help shape their future.

Allowing the Parents to Resolve Behavioral Issues

Of course, maintaining a positive relationship between your children and their grandparents is a delicate and nuanced task. So, you need to set some boundaries for both. Firstly, the kids must always respect their grandparents, that’s a given.

However, the grandparents must also respect you, your children, and the way you have decided to raise them. Too often you’ll see grandparents trying to meddle in the personal affairs and delicate matters of another family.

While their intentions might be good in essence, theirs is a supporting role. Hence, you must be responsible for resolving all behavioral issues your children might be exhibiting. Never allow a grandparent to go over the line in disciplining your children.

A few stern words here and there are fine, but you are the authority in your family, so make sure everyone knows that.

Raising Healthy and Health-Conscious Adults

Lifelong happiness greatly depends on your physical health, emotional and psychological well-being. This is why it’s important for your children to grow up to become health-conscious adults who are passionate about living a healthy lifestyle. Their grandparents can also help them on this journey in a significant way.

Healthy lifestyle habits include healthy eating, physical activity, and more. However, leading a healthy lifestyle is also about visiting your doctor and being prepared for every eventuality.

If the grandparents have a life insurance policy, for example, they can also teach the grand-kids about the importance of medical coverage as they age. This can help them live a long and happy life, all the while passing those healthy habits to their future family members as well.

You should use every bit of knowledge and life experience they have to shape the minds of your children early on.

Resolving Issues between Parents and their Children

One of the ways grandparents can help with their grand-kids is by settling disputes in the family. Without a doubt, grandparents are excellent mediators. Never underestimate their ability to settle family quarrels and de-escalate a situation before it spirals out of control.

This is especially important during those teenage years because your kids might not want to listen to you, but they just might listen to the loving words of their grandma or grandpa. 

Instilling Positive Habits into Young, Developing Minds

Finally, keep in mind, grandparents are great at teaching kids and young adults about positive habits and values. Also, they can influence your mindset and remind you how to “behave” when you lose your way as an adult. Now, just imagine how they can impact their grandchildren and help them become loving, caring adults themselves.

Let them teach their grand-kids about love and compassion, health, friendship, relationships, wisdom, life’s intricate lessons, and how to be happy.

Wrapping up

Grandparents have a very important role to play in the development of young, eager minds. Help grandparents enjoy their golden years in a variety of ways to be an active part of their grand-kids’ lives.

Featured Image by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash


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