
Four Ways To Connect With Your Kids

With phones, on-demand TV, gaming consoles, tablets, laptops, and countless other devices in use in most homes today, it is really tough to do something as a family. Yet, with the negative things happening today, family time is more important than ever.

Though there is nothing inherently wrong with technology, it is often a distraction. You can use these four tips to connect with your kids and family.

Try Something New Together

It seems like most parents and kids are willing to do things together, they just disagree on what. The kids don’t want to do something that’s just the parents’ thing, and the parents struggle to get caught up with what the kids are into. Gridlock is the word of the day.

The solution can be to try something that’s new to everybody. Instead of Mom and Dad struggling with video games or the kids trying to get into gardening, everybody can take online chess lessons and learn the game together.

Starting something new to you and your kids will help them feel more connected to you and less distant from your experiences.

Set Dark Times

Because technology is everywhere, it is so easy to grab a phone as soon as there’s a vibration or a tone. The result is a constant series of interruptions to whatever family activity you’ve managed to start.

It’s important to block out hours of each day when technology is off-limits. Leaving the devices “dark” for that time-which is in addition to mealtime restrictions.

This will help create opportunities for interaction and different ways to connect with your kids. Set a good example, because sometimes the parents can be the hardest ones to train.

Hit the Road

We get the image of a family trip as a major event, lasting days or weeks and costing thousands of dollars. While that strategy can work, it’s not essential. Gathering everyone together to go somewhere, even if it’s just a few hours, can be a big boost to family time.

Hiking is a great choice. Not only does it provide some much-needed exercise, but it also guarantees you a certain amount of time. After all, every yard you hike away from the car requires you to hike a yard back.

Better still, many trails may take you out of cell phone range. Coincidence? No, but you don’t have to admit it!

Getting Involved

Sometimes the best way to overcome our self-absorbed technological lifestyles is to do something for those who don’t have everything we do. Every community has people in need.

You can find togetherness and satisfaction in helping groups like animal rescue organizations, environmental cleanup teams, and community beautification organizations. Spending some time helping them with their work or indirectly through fundraising can go a long way for both them and you.

Technology has its place in your family, but you can never let those roles reverse. Bringing your family together in a tech-free experience can build memories for a lifetime.

Being a working parent can be enjoyable and challenging especially when your kids are young and developing. Here are three things working parents can do with young kids to strengthen their relationship and growth. 

About the author

About the author

Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. She went to Ohio State University where she studied communications. In her free time, she enjoys the outdoors and long walks in the park with her husky Snowball. Twitter: @LizzieWeakley Facebook:

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