
Three Must-See Places In Yellowstone

Yellowstone National Park is an attraction. Tourists travel from halfway across the world to come and see. There is nothing like it.

The 3,500 square miles of protected wildlife and nature are unique and inspiring. So how do you take advantage of your once-in-a-lifetime trip to Yellowstone?

My suggestion is to create a list of the big-ticket items you “have to do.” Get your list ready and tentatively schedule it out.

I think you might be surprised by how large Yellowstone is and how much there is to do. Coming up with your list of destination items can seem overwhelming. These are three must-see places in Yellowstone.

1. Old Faithful

Everyone has heard of the Old Faithful geyser. It is probably Yellowstone’s most popular attraction. Because Yellowstone sits on top of a supervolcano, the park is full of geysers and hot springs.

Geysers have fascinating eruptions of boiling water that are periodically sent high into the air with a burst of steam and pressure. This natural phenomenon is beautiful when you stop and think about the mechanisms of it.

The tricky thing about geysers is they are typically unpredictable. Steamboat Geyser, in North Geyser Basin, can erupt to heights of up to 380 feet.

This would be an amazing sight to see, but also the last recorded eruption of this size was back in 1991. If you are wanting to see a geyser, and don’t want to worry about whether or not it will erupt while you are there, Old Faithful is the geyser that is worth your time.

Its name says it all. Old Faithful, faithfully, erupts about every 35-120 minutes. In the Old Faithful Visitor Center, or online, you can find the predicted time for the next Old Faithful eruption. This way you can arrive at Old Faithful in plenty of time to save yourself a seat but not arrive earlier than you really need to.

2. Mammoth Hot Springs

Yellowstone is famous for geothermal features like geysers and hot springs. There are so many different geysers and hot springs you could choose to see, but one of my favorites is Mammoth Hot Springs.

These hot springs are a little different than the rest because of the soft limestone. Mammoth Hot Springs has been described as looking like an inside-out cave.

The blue/green hot water pooling in white and almost rust-colored walls is fascinating to see.

3. Wildlife

Everyone who goes to Yellowstone is hoping to see that famous Yellowstone wildlife. Bison, bears, elk, wolves, owls, etc.

There’s no way to guarantee seeing specific animals, but if you do some research you can find locations that are more likely to see certain animals.

For example, Lamar Valley is home to some wolves. To really increase your chances of seeing wildlife you could book yourself private tours in Yellowstone National Park.

Tour guides will know locations they have seen wildlife before and easily help you get there. Some tour guides will even have nice telescopes or cameras to help you see the wildlife even better.

Do the research and visit these must-see places in Yellowstone. You can find other hidden gems of Yellowstone you know you’ll want to see. There are waterfalls, mud pots, geysers, hot springs, restaurants, wildlife, and hikes that can keep you entertained for weeks.

Make your own Yellowstone bucket list, and enjoy your once in a life-time trip. Without a doubt, traveling to a new destination can be exciting albeit a bit overwhelming. Here are five travel tips to keep you safe.

About the author

About the author

Alyssa Higginson is a Junior at BYU studying Elementary Education. She loves kids and animals, and she feels more comfortable speaking to kids than to adults. She enjoys playing the cello, baking, and binge-watching movies with her husband John.

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