
Habits To Make Your Life Healthier

Every new day brings with it an opportunity to eat better, exercise more, and get healthier. However, finding motivation and maintaining new habits to make your life healthier can be hard.

So, how can you ensure you achieve the health and wellness goals you’ve set for yourself? It starts with getting specific- this means laying out daily, weekly, and monthly goals you can achieve all year round.

Here are just a few of our favorite daily, weekly and monthly goals to help you develop habits to make your life healthier.

Do this Every Day

1. Drink more Water; Dump Soda and Sugary Drinks

If you’re still drinking soda, stopping could be the most important thing you do for your health all year. We all know too much sugar isn’t good for us, but many of us don’t realize just how profound the impact soda and other sugary drinks can have on our weight and well-being.

For example, drink just one soda per day for 30 days, and you’ll take in an extra 4,500 more calories–equaling over a pound of body weight per month.

Furthermore, when you add more water to your diet, you may lose weight, according to a 2104 Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine article. And that’s just the beginning of the potential benefits. According to this Harvard Health article, being properly hydrated is vital to every system in the body.

More so, when we feel good, we look good. Skin glows, especially if it’s had the benefit of a regular skincare routine. Muscles perform without cramping. Our brains feel focused and sharp instead of fuzzy. So, drink up. Clearly, water does a body good.

2. Make Fruits and Vegetable part of Every Meal

Mom’s right again. Eating your fruits and vegetables is key to your well-being. In fact, according to the USDA, eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables not only reduces your risk of heart disease, but it may also protect against certain types of cancers.

So, aim to eat fruits and vegetables at every meal. One great way to get several servings first thing in the morning is to make a homemade breakfast smoothie with frozen berries, fresh greens, and almond milk.

3. Protect your Skin from Sun Damage

According to the CDC, skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States and the sun’s UV rays can damage your skin in as little as 15 minutes. So why take a chance? With so many great skincare products to choose from, you’ve got plenty of options.

Also, by sticking to a skincare routine that includes a daily moisturizer with SPF, you can keep your skin hydrated and healthy, all with one simple step.

4. Move more–even if it’s not at the Gym

According to the 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, we should all be exercising at least 150 minutes (2.5 hours) per week to get the associated health benefits. But, between long hours at the office, family obligations, social gatherings and a general lack of free time, many of us find it difficult, or even impossible, to get to the gym regularly.

This doesn’t have to stop you from getting your 150 minutes in. There are lots of ways to sneak in some exercise if you only have a few minutes. Take the stairs. Park far away and walk. Lift weights or ride a stationary bike while watching TV.

You could also become a weekend warrior and get all 150 minutes during your days off. According to a 2017 JAMA Internal Medicine article, it may only take one or two sessions per week of moderate or vigorous-intensity physical activity to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer mortality.

Do this Every Week

1. Plan your Workouts

Getting to the gym regularly can be tough. Life, work–and let’s face it, fun–have a way of interfering, especially if you set a goal like “go to the gym three days a week.” While three days a week sounds great, the lack of specifics makes it easy to skip–Monday you worked late, Tuesday you were tired, Wednesday was a friend’s birthday.

The list goes on and on, and before you know it, it’s Friday, and you haven’t worked out once. So, start your week with a solid plan and then pack a bag and bring it with you to work, so you don’t have an excuse to go home and lose your motivation.

2. Plan your Meals

Consistently resorting to take-out and fast food is a sure way to sabotage your healthy resolutions. But some simple solutions can help you eat healthily–even when you’re short on time. Start with making one healthy meal–something like vegetable lasagna or a bowl of soup.

Then divide it up in microwave-safe containers and freeze for quick meals all week. Pack healthy lunches the night before work, so you’re not tempted to eat out. Finally, for snacks, pre-cut plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables so you can grab and go

Do this Every Month

1. Clean out the Refrigerator

When hunger calls and you’re looking for a snack, it helps to have a well-organized fridge full of healthy options. Start by throwing out all old or expired items, and wiping down the shelves.

Then rearrange to put healthy items like fruit, cut-up veggies, and yogurt upfront, at eye-level. When you see items like these first, you’re more likely to make a healthy choice.

2. Connect with Friends and Family

It turns out that spending time with the people who make you happy just might keep you healthy as well. Just look at this 2010 Journal of Health and Social Behavior article. It states that social relationships have both short- and long-term effects on health and those who are more socially connected are healthier and live longer than their more isolated peers.

So make some plans, it’s good for you even though sticking to a resolution is tough. However, with a little planning, it’s entirely possible.

Start by setting your daily, weekly, and monthly goals. Soon, you’ll be sticking-with-it like never before and headed toward your healthiest year yet.

Here’s a list of ten things you can do to help your family be happier and healthier.

About the author

About the author

Akin loves sailing, grilling, and building things with his family. Their last project was building an X-wing shaped bike trailer because it is a much cooler way to arrive at the neighborhood pool. Akin Tosyali serves as the Director of Digital Marketing for Tiege Hanley.


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