
The Cost Of Typical Term Paper Writing Mistakes

Not all terms papers are created equal. The requirements for a specific term paper are likely to vary based on the university, class, and professor.

All these variables can make it challenging to know what a student must do to write an A+ paper. When in doubt, a student should always ask their professor about a term paper’s requirements.

While talking to a professor face-to-face can sometimes be intimidating, sending a quick email is less threatening. If a student doesn’t want to do that, checking the term paper’s evaluation criteria is also a significant first step.

Typical Term Paper Writing Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Whether a student is looking to improve a paper, they’ve already written, or if they’re still writing, the tips below can help. The typical term paper writing mistakes, according to several universities, including Rice University, are listed below.

We also include ways to correct these errors.

Grammar and Spelling

Since their very first papers, teachers have been hounding students about grammar and spelling. By the time a student enters college, this message should be firmly embedded in their brains.

However, everyone makes mistakes. After all, there are so many grammatical protocols and rules that students are bound to forget some of them.

Depending on the college or professor points for spelling and grammar can vary widely. At some colleges, the evaluation criteria might set aside a certain percentage of points to go towards spelling and grammar.

At other colleges, a point might be lost every time there’s a mistake. A few minor mistakes might not seem like much at first, but they can add up.

Campbell University has put up an online page showing the university’s general grading requirements. Looking at this, you can see messing up the grammar and spelling on what would be an A paper won’t bring it down to an F.

However, too many writing mistakes on a term paper could bring an A paper down to a B or C. That’s why it’s so important to fix those mistakes

Many word processors, like Word and Google Docs, have built-in spelling and grammar checkers. However, they don’t always catch every error.

One great popular grammar/spelling checking website is Grammarly. There are both free and paid versions of this website that can help to find spelling and grammar mistakes.

Use it often. It’s better to over-check your paper than under check it.

Avoid Irrelevant Information

Reaching word count on a term paper can sometimes be difficult. When a student is running out of things to write about, they shouldn’t add things that don’t have anything to do with their paper.

Instead, they should add more information about the things they do need in their paper. For example, if a student is writing a term paper on King Henry VIII and how his marriages contributed to England’s religious reforms, it would be a good idea to write about how the Catholic Church wouldn’t allow him to divorce his first wife, Catherine of Aragon.

However, it would be irrelevant to write about how the Tudor family came into power. While it’s a part of Henry VIII’s history, it has nothing to do with his marriages. Therefore, leave it out.

So, if a student is scrambling to increase their word count, they shouldn’t add trivial information. Instead, they should go back to see what they can add to their relevant information.

Finding new sources that can add information, adding quotes, and adding further examples are all great ways of lengthening a paper.

However, students should be careful when it comes to adding more background information. They should make sure only to add what is relevant.

Going back to the Henry XIII example, adding background information saying Catherine of Aragon was previously married to Henry VIII’s brother, Arthur, would be relevant background information. Writing about how Catherine’s parents, the famous Ferdinand and Isabella, worked with Christopher Columbus (Starkey), would be entirely off-topic and should be avoided.

No Plagiarism

As all college students should know by now, plagiarism, in any form, needs to be avoided at all costs. Unlike lousy spelling or grammar, even a single instance of plagiarism can result in a failing paper.

The easiest way to make sure a document isn’t plagiarized is to avoid copying and pasting content. It should be noted not all plagiarism is malicious.

Sometimes, it’s purely accidental. This is usually the case when a student forgets to put a quote in quotation marks or forgets to cite their source.

For this reason, it’s essential for students to proofread their papers, or to run their writing through a plagiarism-checker, like Copyscape. A website like that can point out instances of plagiarism so the student can either delete it or properly сite it.

After all, it’s best for a student to find their plagiarism before their professor does! When writing a term paper, many common writing mistakes that can lead to students getting a lower grade.

Having correct spelling and grammar, staying on topic, and avoiding plagiarism in a term paper along with using professional term paper writing services are all great ways to ensure a passing grade on a term paper.

By following these three simple tips, students can turn a C paper into an A paper.

If your student has college aspirations, has it ever crossed your mind, what can you do to prepare them for college? Here are three tips to consider when best preparing your child for a future that includes higher education.

About the author

About the author

Mike Taffet is a stepfather of three children – two boys and a girl. He enjoys writing on a variety of subjects, especially, finances, stepparenting, and the blended family. Mike and his family call Florida home, and he’s a huge Atlanta Braves fan.

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