
Clogged Plumbing And How To Handle It

Many people, when faced with a problem they don’t fully understand, call a specialist without first trying to figure out a solution. This typically applies to your home’s plumbing.

When something is giving you grief, you’ll likely call a plumber to fix your problems. While this is a wonderful solution that’s sure to work, here are a few things you can try before you phone for help. 

Handling a Clogged Sink

Did you possibly send something down the disposal you shouldn’t have? Many people view their sink disposal as a regular trash can and throw all sorts of things through those blades. However, that isn’t exactly good for your disposal.

Instead, try and use the actual garbage can as much as possible instead of putting all of your potato peelings down the drain. If something does get clogged, you’ll probably need to get under your sink with a bucket and clean out the u pipe that’s just underneath.

It will be messy work, but you should have your sink regularly working again in no time. 

Handling a Clogged Toilet

Clogged toilets are not only annoying, but they can also be embarrassing. If you find yourself battling the toilet remember you’re not alone.

Here is the thing with clogged toilets. They take elbow grease to unclog.

If you’ve tried to loosen the pipes with your plunger and it hasn’t worked, honestly you just might not be trying hard enough. Really put your back into it before you call for reinforcements.

There’s a strong chance your plumber is only going to get to work with the plunger when they arrive.

Handling a Clogged Shower/Bath

If you have people with long hair in your life, then you’re probably familiar with having a clogged shower or bathtub. Having this particular drain clogged can feel a little gross since this is where you’re supposed to get clean.

Either it is going to take forever for your dirty bathwater to leave the tub or you’ll find yourself standing in a foot of water while you shower. Neither prospect is very appealing.

Luckily a swiftly draining tub is just a trip to the grocery store away. In the plumbing or cleaning section, you should be able to find a zip-it or similar tool that has little hooks along a long thin piece of plastic.

You stick this down your drain, and it will latch onto anything stuck inside and pull it out. If these simple declogging techniques aren’t working for you, then it’s time to call in a little help.

Give a plumbing company a ring, like They may be able to help you over the phone.

If that doesn’t work, they can always send somebody to give you a hand. Just remember that it could be worth a few extra minutes of your time to try and solve the problem before you call someone all the way out to your home, just to plunge the toilet.

For many homeowners, dealing with the occasional clogged drain due to hair is a pretty simple fix. Kitchen sinks can also get gummed up with a variety of items and again, are pretty simple to handle on your own. 

All the same, you need to be aware of the problems and mistakes you can make when dealing with a clogged drain.

About the author

About the author

Mignonne Slaugh is a senior at BYU-Idaho studying communications. She has a passion for people and loves writing their stories. When she isn’t writing, she is usually outside spending time with her one-year-old son and husband.




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