
How You Can Benefit From Bio-identical Hormones

Hormones are the chemical compounds that regulate most of our primary body functions. Hormones set up the internal connection between the cells coordinating everything from digestion to immune function.

A healthy body has an optimal level of hormones which tend to replenish with time. Likewise, as we age, our hormone levels start to decline.

There are multiple symptoms of hormonal imbalance inside our body like:

  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Reduced sexual desire and more

Such imbalances affect our health and well being. To ease these symptoms, we recommend bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). BHRT promises to be a natural solution to replenish what’s lacking inside our body.

About Bio-identical Hormones Replacement Therapy

Bio-identical hormones are the chemical compounds identical to the ones our body produces. These hormones are extracted from plant estrogens and can be used to replenish the hormone levels in both men and women.

BHRT or bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is most often used for treating perimenopause and menopause symptoms, but these can also address the following conditions:

  • Osteoporosis
  • Insulin resistance
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Adrenal and thyroid disorders

Physicians suggest bio-identical hormone replacement therapy because of the benefits, and also the body doesn’t react differently to them. The bio-identical hormones come in various forms:

  • Pills
  • Creams
  • Gels
  • Patches
  • Injections

Your doctor will suggest which is the best form for you to get treated.

How will you Benefit from the Treatment?

There are 50 chemical messengers our body produces to regulate the body’s functionality throughout its lifetime. So, any imbalance in these hormones means issues with the physical, emotional and psychological well-being.

Bio-identical hormones are the natural chemical compounds that can restore the balance when implemented. Additionally, these hormones slow down the aging process and improve your quality of life.

Bio-identical hormones are:

  • Safe and effective
  • Completely natural; extracted from plant estrogens
  • Excellent in replenishing what your body is needing

Sexual desires are often reduced as we age. With bio-identical hormone, you can also expect to enjoy an active sexual life with your partner without any concerns.

Also, for women going through perimenopause, BHRT can dramatically improve symptoms like:

  • Hot flashes
  • Anxiety
  • Mood swings
  • Sleeping concerns
  • Pain during sex
  • Memory loss and more

Furthermore, natural hormones also tend to improve skin hydration and reduce wrinkles. Unlike synthetic hormones, most doctors recommend bio-identical hormone replacement therapy because of the apparent benefits.

While introducing a foreign molecule into the body is never going to be a perfect fit, yet we must give whatever the body is used to having – in this case, replenishing hormone levels with natural hormones.

Consult your Physician

Several healthcare conditions and treatments might affect your BHRT process. Your doctor should know more about the procedure than any other individual.

Your health history is the first thing your doctor will analyze before proceeding any further. So, make sure you consult a reliable physician for your BHRT treatment.

Good health is one of the most important investments you can make. The earlier you start making your family’s health a priority, the better.

Here are three simple ways you can start investing in your family’s health to set them up for a healthier future.

About the author

About the author

Charlie Jacobs is one of the talented dancers in the community with a keen interest in reading novels and books he likes. He loves to spend time with his family as much as possible. Football is his first love, and he never misses his game. For the record, Charlie has a knack for writing and also works as a content strategist at

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