
Four Items You Should Switch To Organic

First things first, I’m not a super health nut who thinks everything you put on or in your body should be 100 percent organic (not that there’s anything wrong with that, I just don’t have the discipline for it). However, there are some valid reasons many people desire or need, to use organic items.

Here are a few items you should consider switching to organic.

Bread and Flour

Bread, or anything with grains (especially wheat), is generally healthier for you if it’s organic. One reason is organic breads – or breads made from organic grains – are usually less processed and don’t have as many refined carbs.

This means you get more nutritional value out of the bread you would otherwise.

This is of particular note if you have wondered if you might have a gluten intolerance. If you definitely have a gluten intolerance, you should avoid wheat flour bread altogether of course.

Woman clapping hands and sprinkling flour over fresh dough on table

I’ll share my husband for an example. He has had some health issues that seem to flare up especially when he’s eating foods with gluten.

But when he eats organic foods with gluten, they generally tend to do better. We’re not quite sure why this is, but part of it may be the chemicals and pesticides used in non-organic foods.

“As a result of fewer irrigation practices and no synthetic fertilizers and pesticides being used in crops’ growth, a higher amount of significant health-promoting nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants can be found in organic grains,” according to

House Cleaners 

As you’re spring cleaning, consider the harsh chemicals in your average, everyday cleaner. They aren’t good for you to inhale, they aren’t good for your skin, and they certainly aren’t good for you to consume (though you probably already knew that last one). Chemical cleaners can be irritating to the eyes as well.

So, to avoid some of the irritants and harmful effects of chemical cleaners, try opting for some more natural home remedies. Vinegar and baking soda is a great way to get an oven and sink to shine again – in fact, this is kind of my cure-all.

Dump it down the garbage disposal to clear up clogs and odors. Mop floors with baking soda and warm water.

Check out these other uses for cleaning with baking soda and vinegar.


Do you have animals (or kids) that like to stick everything in their mouths? Then pesticides are another thing you might want to consider switching to organic.

Especially if this is something you are spraying on your lawn, you want to be mindful of where you are tracking these chemicals when you walk indoors.

There are plenty of pet-friendly pesticide options available. You might even ask your local lawn service if they have any good recommendations for you.


Fruits and vegetables are typically better for you if you can get them organic. This comes back to the pesticides and chemicals used to keep the plants clear of insects and help them grow quicker.

Some people require all organic diets for their health due to these chemicals, so it’s awesome we have organic options available (now if only they cost a little less too).

What you put in, near, or on your body and home is ultimately your decision – and you should make that decision based on what you feel is best. So continue to research to see if some of these organic switches might benefit you in one way or another.

Do you actually READ food labels? Do the labels guide your buying decisions? 

Read about the inside story in food labeling: the blatant lie and inaccuracies in many food labels, the action/inaction of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the organic seal that continues to fight for its integrity amid greed from big businesses.

About the author

About the author

Kaili is the Content Lead at Manwaring Web Solutions, a web design company in Idaho Falls. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication with an emphasis in News and Journalism. Prior to her current job, she worked as a freelance writer and copy editor.

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