
Distracted Driving Facts Every Parent Must Know

“Eyes on the road” is becoming a bit of overlooked driving advice now more than ever. This is due to the many distractions drivers face while on their vehicles.

Particularly, cell phone use contributes a great deal to distracted driving. It is even considered the most dangerous distraction out there. 

When you’re a parent and driving with kids, you already got your hands full. Children can cause a ruckus, especially when boredom strikes while on a long road trip.

Add this to five seconds of texting on your cell phone and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. Only a fleeting moment of taking your eyes off the pavement is what it takes for an accident to happen.

Keep your family safe by knowing more about the implications of distracted driving through this infographic below. 

It is logical to want your teenager to be aware of the many dangers of the road. Here are some important things to teach your children about driving.

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About the author

Jeff Oxford is a digital nomad who occasionally attends auto shows but mostly enjoys visiting new places around the world.

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