
The Best Valentine’s Day Candy

Why Dark Chocolate Is The Best Valentine’s Day Candy

If you’re looking for something nice to do for your significant other for Valentine’s Day, think dark chocolate. Why you may ask?

Dark chocolate, that is if it has more than 70% cocoa, is considered a superfood for many reasons.

It can help lift moods and increase health. By getting your loved one dark chocolate, you’re telling her you not only care about her as a person, but also her well-being.

Here are five great reasons to choose dark chocolate as the perfect gift this Valentine’s Day.

Helps Reduce Stress

Is your loved one feeling a little stressed lately? Try getting them some dark chocolate to help lift their mood.

“A small amount of dark chocolate, enjoyed mindfully, can be an effective and enjoyable method to relieve stress,” says Very Well Minded. Studies have shown that dark chocolate can help relieve emotional stress in people due to the antioxidants it provides.

Plus, it’s a great way to help satisfy that sweet tooth.

Good For Your Teeth

Speaking of teeth, recent studies have found dark chocolate might actually be good for your teeth. There’s a compound found in chocolate called CBH that may be more effective in fighting cavities than fluoride.

If you’re thinking about dental health, Ask The Dentists suggests choosing chocolate with less than six to seven grams of sugar per serving. So, if you’re looking to decrease the number of times you have to visit the dentist try adding a little more dark chocolate to your diet.

Lowers Blood Pressure

A recent Harvard Study found that eating one square of dark chocolate a day could help to lower the blood pressure of people who have issues with hypertension. The study also found dark chocolate might affect cholesterol.

Maybe consider giving some dark chocolate to grandma for Valentine’s Day. 

Promotes Muscle Growth

Dark chocolate might be a great way to gain muscle mass. Epicatechin, a molecule found in dark chocolate can apparently inhibit myostatin.

According to, myostatin is a kind of regulating molecule released by the muscles to suppress muscle growth. Perhaps this bit of information might make you want to steal some of the Valentine’s Day chocolate you got for your love.

Boosts Immunity

Your parents always told you candy would make you sick but a study reported by Medical News Today found eating dark chocolate can lead to an increase in the expression of genes involved in activating T cells. T cells play a major part in the immune system helping to fight infection and disease.

To review, dark chocolate is good for you in more ways than one. It will help increase your mood, protect your smile, and help you be healthier. What’s not to love about it?

One word of advice though. Before you rush off and buy all the dark chocolate to give to your significant other for Valentine’s Day you might want to make sure they actually like dark chocolate.

Let’s face it: Valentine’s Day can be rough. There are an awful lot of expectations to contend with, and a misstep — no matter your intentions — can have you sleeping on the sofa. Get tips even the most Valentine’s-challenged men can pull off a day that makes your significant other feel loved and special.

About the author

About the author

Mignonne Slaugh is a senior at BYU-Idaho studying communications. She has a passion for people and loves writing their stories. When she isn’t writing she is usually outside spending time with her one-year-old son and husband.

Featured image by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

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