
Ten Ways To Have A Happier Healthier Family

Family time is essential, but in a family, with lots of busy schedules, it can be challenging to make sure it happens.

Here’s a list of ten things you can do to help your family be happier and healthy.

1. Have Family Dinner

Studies have shown family dinners are linked with lowering the chances of many high-risk teenage problems like smoking, binge drinking, marijuana use, violence, school problems, eating disorders and sexual activity.

Your family dinner doesn’t have to be a fancy meal that took three hours to prepare. What’s most important is the family sits down together and takes time talking about what’s happening in everyone’s lives.

2. Schedule Family Outings

Getting the family out of the house together can strengthen family bonds. You don’t have to spend an arm and a leg to have a memorable time with your family.

A walk at the park is a great, inexpensive way to enjoy a little bit of family time.

3. Prioritize Health Appointments

Parents have a lot to juggle but try to make sure your kids get to their regular dental cleanings and doctor appointments. It’s better to prevent problems today than to struggle with a house full of sick kids tomorrow.

4. Recognize The Need For Vacation

Your family needs vacation time. Not just time away from school and work, but time to build lasting memories together.

Take a camping trip or drive cross country to see the Grand Canyon. Just do something that helps encourage everyone to spend time together.

5. Set Boundaries

Have clear, well-defined boundaries for your kids. They need stability, and you’re the one that can give that to them.

Helping them to understand not just what the rules are, and why you have them, will help your children to set their boundaries when they’re living on their own. 

Helping them to understand not just what the rules are, and why you have them, will help your children to set their boundaries when they’re living on their own. 

6. Individual Time

Try to make time for your children on an individual basis. Whether you squeeze in a 20-minute chat while driving them to soccer practice or you take them out for ice cream, they need that private time with you.

Encourage your spouse to do the same.

7. Date Night

People may try to tell you your kids come before everything else. If you want your kids to have the best life possible, then put your marriage before everything else.

Studies have shown couples that go on regular date nights are less likely to split up. Date nights don’t have to be elaborate or expensive.

It just needs to be a time for you and your spouse to catch up and adequately communicate. Avoid talking about things that stress you out and try to focus on each other’s hopes and dreams you have.

8. Family Rituals

Have things that build comradery in the family. It could be a weekly pizza night every Wednesday or mom’s favorite song that has now become “The Family’s Song.”

Something that when your kids remember it or hear it, they smile as they think of their goofy family.

9. Have Family Meetings

Everyone’s opinion should be important in the family. Try to set aside a little time each week or month to talk about what will be happening for everyone in the family.

I remember my parents would always do a big family meeting at the beginning of summer so we all knew when our family vacation was and when everyone would be in their various summer camps.

10. Encourage Support

Try to help your children support each other. If Jason has a big basketball game Thursday night, try to have the family go and support him together.

Nothing is more embarrassing and pride boosting than an entire section of cheering family members. The family is important, and your kids will get out of family time what you’re willing to put into it.

If it’s something you care about, then they will learn from your example. Make your children a priority now so they can understand the value in what you do for them. 

A family outing is always a great time to bond. Here are five unique family bonding activities your family will love.

ways to have a happier healthier family - family on walk

About the author

About the author

Mignonne Slaugh is a senior at BYU-Idaho studying communications. She has a passion for people and loves writing their stories. When she isn’t writing she is usually outside spending time with her one-year-old son and husband.

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