
Fun Ways To Get Out Of The House With The Kids

Kids can get a little crazy when they’re stuck inside the house for days on end. If the kids go mad eventually the parents will lose it as well.

If you’re looking for fun ways to get your children out of the house this season, here is a list of ideas to get those creative thoughts flowing.

Any Weather

  • Museum – A trip to the museum is a great way to get out and keep your kids entertained. There are many different kinds of museums, but I would suggest visiting the natural history museums if you have one nearby. They usually have displays that wow children into paying attention.
  • Aquarium – Most children have a deep-rooted fascination with sea creatures. That makes the aquarium a perfect place to spend a few hours. If you’re lucky, you might even get to pet some stingrays.
  • Science Center – The science center was created to entertain children and help them open their minds to learning in a fun, creative way. Not all cities have a science center, but if you’re fortunate enough, then do yourself a favor and take your kids.
  • Cheap Theater – If you need to get out of the house, but don’t want to do anything crazy then take your kids to see a cheap movie in the theater. Most cities and towns have a one or two dollar theater that can entertain your kids for an hour and a half.


  • Snowman Building – This is for any snow creation be it a snowman or an igloo. Stuff your kids into their winter gear and send them outside to enjoy the crisp air and the power of their imagination.
  • Sledding – You don’t have to have a store-bought sled to have fun on a snowy hill. A large trash can lid could work or even an old plastic laundry basket.
  • Ice skating/Rollerblading/Bowling – If your kids are old enough to tie their shoes and go to the bathroom on their own then these activities might be up to their alley. They’ll get their wiggles out. You can join them on the floor or watch from the side.


  • Bike Ride/Picnic – A leisurely bike ride around town followed by a picnic in a park is a great way to spend an afternoon once the weather starts to warm up. All you need is a bike, a backpack and some food.
  • Spring Bloom Hike – You have to plan this one right, but if you go at just the right time you can see all the wildflowers blooming. The sites are beautiful and refreshing after a cold winter.
  • Visit a Farm – Spring is when all the baby animals are being born on the farm. If you can find a farm nearby that will let you visit, take your kids to see the spring babies.


  • Water – When I think summer I think water activities. Go to the lake, a river or even the community pool. Almost everywhere there’s sure to be some fun way to get in the water.
  • Zoo – Make sure to check the weather before you visit the zoo. You don’t want to go just to realize it’s hot and all the animals are hiding from the sun. It’s best to get to the zoo in the morning or when it’s a slightly overcast day so you’ll have a better chance of seeing the animals.
  • Camping -Taking the family on a little adventure can be a lot of fun. If you aren’t an outdoor person then maybe just put up a tent in the backyard. Your kids will be entertained for hours preparing for their camping experience. 


  • Corn Maze/Pumpkin Patch – Corn mazes are an excellent way to help your kids run out some energy. Most mazes today have fun kid-friendly puzzles to complete along the way, so there is more to do than just finding your way out. Look up corn mazes near me, and you should be able to see a maze, like those that MazePlay designs, in your area.
  • Fall Color hike – This is similar to the spring hike because you have to get out there at the right time to see all the fall colors. The goal is to get out into nature right as fall is at the peak of its color change.
  • Harvest – The harvest is a great thing to have your children experience. If you look around you’ll probably find a farmer or two that sells their fruits or veggies by the pound for a decent price, and you get to pick them yourself. Whether it is apples, corn, potatoes or berries you should be able to find some harvest near you.

Hopefully, this list will help you get creative and enjoy an exciting time with your kids out of the house today. Moreso, some outdoor activities can impact positively on your child’s developmental years. Find out essential life lessons fishing can teach your kids.

About the author

About the author

Mignonne Slaugh is a senior at BYU-Idaho studying communications. She has a passion for people and loves writing their stories. When she isn’t writing she is usually outside spending time with her one-year-old son and husband.

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