How to Be a Good Stepdad

Three Things Working Parents Should Do With Their Kids

Being a working parent can be enjoyable and challenging especially when your kids are young and developing. It’s important to find them a daycare where you know they will be safe and cared for.

It’s even better if you can find somewhere like Lolo’s Little Darlins Daycare where you know the caretakers will be helping your child learn and grow. Since their time at home with you is limited, this makes the activities you do together very impactful.

Here are three things you and your children can do together that will help strengthen your relationship and their growth. 

Imagination Time

It can be difficult and even exhausting to play make-believe with your child after spending a busy day at work. This time of running from imaginary dinosaurs and fighting dragons is beneficial not only for them but for you as well.

One word many toddlers love to use is “no.” Kids feel like their agency is constantly being squashed, but in the land of pretend, anything is possible.

While you play and in the time just after, you will hear the word “no” said far less than in your daily conversation with your kiddo.

Family Dinners

Anne Fishel, a family therapist, says, “sitting down for a nightly meal is great for the brain, the body, and the spirit.”

She goes on to explain the dinner doesn’t have to be fancy to be incredibly impactful on your children. Dinner is good for the brain because it’s a time for the family to sit down and talk together.

Kids who get to spend time sitting and talking with their parents tend to pick up more vocabulary words than they usually would. Not only does that help their speech to increase, but it will also help them to read faster.

Studies show children who sit down to family dinner regularly eat more fruits, veggies, vitamins, and micronutrients. It isn’t just the food that is important.

When children get to sit down with their family, they feel more connected to one another and more willing to be open and honest with their siblings and parents.

Reading Together

The vocabulary we use every day with our children is often limited. When we take the time to crack open a book and explore a story, then our kids are introduced to new words that they might not have heard before.

 As our children get to both see and hear words, it will prepare them to begin reading and will help to set them up for success in school. Not only are they learning words, but they are also getting a chance to practice sitting still and learning. Just reading one story to our kids a day can have a huge impact.

The goal, when your time is limited with your kids, is to make sure you focus on quality over quantity. These things working parents do with their kids matter and remember, they are only little for such a short time.

The emotional bond between a parent and a child is probably one of the strongest in the world. However, there are times when a parent and child don’t seem to be on the same page.

In some cases, this is because a parent has been in and out of a child’s life. In others, a bond is harder to forge because a child has a mental or emotional disability. Get tips on what parents can do to forge closer ties with their kids.

About the author

About the author

Mignonne Slaugh is a senior at BYU-Idaho studying communications. She has a passion for people and loves writing their stories. When she isn’t writing she is usually outside spending time with her one-year-old son and husband.

Featured image by rawpixel on Unsplash

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