
Caring For Your Christmas Pets

Did you just welcome a fuzzy friend into your family? Are you a first-time pet owner?

Congratulations! Furry family members are wonderful, and just like human family members, they take special care and attention.

Here are some things to keep in mind as you adjust to your new life as a fur parent.

Healthy Diet

You’ll soon find your furry baby has quite a few similarities to people. Just like you need a well-balanced diet to keep you feeling great, pets are the same way.

Take the time to read the labels of your pet food. Don’t be afraid of introducing new things into their diet.

Also, pet treats are fun to feed your cat or dog, but just like toddlers can’t live on fruit snacks your pet can’t survive on bacon bits.


For the safety of your pet, other peoples’ pets and the people interacting with your pet, it’s important to keep your animal up to date on their vaccinations. For a full list of both essential and optional vaccinations visit American Humane


Helping your pet stay healthy can be fun and beneficial for both of you. Each pet is different and may require their type of exercise.

A cat most likely won’t want to go outside for a walk, but chasing a laser in the house is a wonderful way to work out some of the energy.

High energy dogs would love a run to the park or tossing around a ball in the backyard. Whatever pet you have, try and help get them moving a couple of times a day.

Staying Weather Conscious 

It’s good to keep in mind what the weather is like when you take your pet outside. If you are layering on your jackets to take your pet out for a potty break or some exercise and your animal has short thin hair, then they’re probably going to be cold too.

On the flip side, if you live in the desert and own a pet with thick long fur, they may need a trip to the groomers for a haircut so they can stay cool too.

Dental Care

You may think it sounds silly, taking your pet to the dentist, but just like human teeth need care so do animal teeth. A common problem cats and dogs run into is broken teeth.

Sunnyside Vet Clinic explains even though a dog may not act like their tooth is bothering them their nervous system is identical to ours.

If you think it looks painful than chances are, it is.


Teaching your dog to sit or making sure your cat always uses the litter box can be frustrating and time-consuming. The most important thing to remember is that consistency is key.

Your pet is smart, but they can’t read your mind. Training them will take repeating the same action multiple times a day for a few weeks.

Just remember that the pay off will be worth it in the end. Good luck with your new family member!

They will probably try your patience, but no one gives unconditional love better than a pet.

About the author

About the author

Mignonne Slaugh is a senior at BYU-Idaho studying communications. She has a passion for people and loves writing their stories. When she isn’t writing she is usually outside spending time with her one-year-old son and husband.

Featured image by Rhaúl V. Alva on Unsplash

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