
Seven Proven Tips to Lose Belly Fat

How many times have you looked in the mirror and realized you’re just one belly away from your perfect body?

It happens to most of us. Belly fat is real.

It has very little to do with your overall weight and size. Many people think they would have their desired body if they can only get rid of their tummy.

Even some people who work hard in the gym to shed all the pounds are still unable to get rid of belly fat. While scientists have proven fat in some areas of our body may be more stubborn than others, it doesn’t mean you have to live with a pot belly all your life.

However, it will help if you put a little extra effort into it. Here are seven sure-shot tips to lose belly fat quickly and easily.

1.    Cut Down on Sugar

We tend to love sugary food, so does our belly. It’s why it stores it close to itself.

Scientific studies prove sugar increases visceral fat, i.e. fat that accumulates around your organs. Visceral fat is most likely to gather around your stomach.

It’s the stubborn kind. Unlike the fat that is beneath the skin, visceral fat is relatively immune to working out. No wonder, all that sweating in the gym isn’t helping.

Cutting down on sugar will improve metabolism and let your body burn that fat before it settles down around your stomach.  Cut down on desserts, sweetened chocolates, candies, soft drinks and all kinds of sugary beverages.

Limit your sugar intake to whole fruits. The amount of fiber in whole fruits is enough to help your body metabolize all the fructose they contain.

2.    Slow Down on Carbs

It can help you get rid of the bad, stubborn fat from your body, including your belly fat. If your belly is your only problem area and you don’t need to lose much weight otherwise, you can just cut down on only the refined carbohydrates.

Some amount of carbohydrates is essential as it provides you the energy to stay functional. You can opt for healthier carbohydrates that come from plant sources.

Vegetables and beans have carbohydrates and enough fiber to help your body absorb those carbs.

3.    Load Up on Proteins

Losing fat is not just about cutting out certain elements from your diet. Nutritional balance is important and cutting down on fat and carbs should be replaced with something healthier. That’s where protein comes in.

Protein can curb your appetite and let you burn more calories. It helps you build lean muscles while burning fat.

More importantly, a high protein diet helps you maintain your weight loss without regaining that belly. In short, scientific evidence proves that a higher intake of protein lowers your chances of ever getting that belly fat back.

4.    Freeze Your Fat

If you haven’t been able to burn all that fat, consider getting it frozen instead. We generally don’t recommend surgery unless you have surpassed a dangerous level of obesity, but thanks to this new treatment, you can get rid of fat without getting under the knife.

CoolSculpting is proving itself to be the safest, most effective non-invasive fat reduction treatment. It freezes the fat cells to death and then relies on our body’s natural metabolism to flush those cells out of the system. The best part is it works on the targeted area. So, if it’s just the belly you are worried about, that is all you can get rid of.

5.    De-Stress Your Self

Stress can never be healthy. People may associate it with weight loss, but stress can mess with your hormones and cause weight gain, especially around the belly area. Even if you are losing weight because of stress, you might be gaining belly fat.

Moreover, many people seek more comfort food when they are stressed. Guess what comfort food is filled with? Sugars and carbs. If you think you are stressed, seek help from a professional.

Yoga and meditation can also help you clear your mind and find mental peace. More importantly, get the appropriate amount of sleep of 6 to 8 hours as it is proven to fight stress and prevent stubborn fat.

6.    Switch to Green Tea

Set aside your tea and coffee and make a switch to a greener, healthier choice of beverage. Green tea weight loss isn’t a myth. Yes, the miracles may be slightly over exaggerated, but there is some truth to it.  Green tea contains powerful antioxidants called catechins.

A study revealed that catechins-enriched green tea could help you get rid of that stubborn abdominal fat. Get in the habit of drinking some quality green tea, and you won’t even miss your morning coffee.

7.    Pick Some Weights

Many people complain about their workout not helping with their belly fat. Now that you know your belly fat is more stubborn than fat on other areas, you should know that you have to take it up a notch. If you rely only on aerobics and cardio, the chances are you will be frustrated long before it starts affecting your belly.

High-intensity strength training can help you lose more of the visceral fat than a regular workout. We all know it builds lean muscles, and that process itself involves melting fat out of your system. The benefits of adding weight to your workout are proven by experts

Let’s Conclude This

If you are relying only on fad diets and crash workouts, you may lose weights but not the stubborn belly fat. It is more of visceral fat that accumulates around your stomach and other organs. You need a highly nutritious diet, plus some high-intensity workout to lose that belly. Non-invasive fat reduction treatments make it even safer to lose your belly faster.

About the author

About the author

James Crook is a college student and a passionate health and lifestyle blogger who loves to write about prevailing trends. You can follow him on twitter @jamescrook911.

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