
What Binge Watching Does To Your Eyesight

The internet is a fascinating place, and there is so much you can find. From write-ups to video tutorials, making learning a highly-desired skill, a self-taught mantra. Today, devices are not difficult to figure out as well and a three-year-old would probably learn it faster than you would.

With access to Wi-Fi readily available, as well as home internet, understanding technology is inevitable to kids. Easy access to the internet also allows streaming videos and playing games, a new-found love for most of us, a lot easier.

This addiction makes you more susceptible to conditions such as anxiety and depression. It also does more damage to your eyes, probably one of the major organs we give the least attention.

Although vision problems are not readily evident, the speed at which your eyes are being damaged keeps multiplying. Here’s a look at what binge-watching does to your eyesight.

The earliest signs of Binge-watching on your Eyes

Excessive use of digital screens discreetly advance vision problems such as itchy eyes, dry eyes, and blurry vision.

While rubbing your eyes becomes a common side effect, problems like dizziness and headaches may surface.

Primarily, these symptoms recede with time, but if you ignore potential eye conditions, you may be damaging your eyesight in the long run. This is commonly referred to as “computer vision syndrome”.

Among most eye conditions, there are three eye conditions that worsen with age. Your excessive use of digital devices aggravates these conditions.

1. Macular Degeneration

The blue light released from your computer screen is good for your eyesight. However, overexposure could be doing more harm than good.

This occurs when the blue light penetrates your eye right through your retina which has the ability to damage light-sensitive cells in your retina. This results in changes in your eye which resemble those of macular degeneration and can eventually lead to vision loss.

2. Cataracts

The overexposure of blue light can also lead to cataracts causing cloudy vision. While this disease progresses slowly, symptoms such as blurry vision, halos around bright light and problems with night vision surface.

While technology has many benefits including entertainment, you may have to bear the brunt of bad eyesight at an earlier age.

A tip to watch your favorite shows and movies while giving your eyes the rest they deserve is to spread your shows out over a period of one week.

It’s important to remember that once your eyes are damaged, it becomes difficult and expensive to restore your vision.

3. Computer Vision Syndrome

As your enthusiasm for tablets and smartphones grows, your eyes are paying a price for it. This includes symptoms such as blurry vision, a condition commonly known as “computer vision syndrome.”

Research shows 65% of American adults experience this syndrome. However, adults are not the only ones who suffer and kids who stare at tablets or use mobile phones too often experience the same, especially if their position is less than ideal.

Besides causing damage to the eyes, there are also several negative impacts of uncontrolled and excessive internet usage in young children.

About the author

About the author

Aaron Barriga is the online marketing manager for Insight Vision Center. With a knack for understanding medical procedures and an interest in eye and vision health, Aaron loves to share what he knows and what he learns. He blogs with a mission of informing readers about the latest eye care technology and other topics related to eye care. He loves collecting coasters from the different bars and restaurants he visits during his travels.


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