
How Essential Oils Can Help Kids In Their Studies

As parents, we want to help our children succeed as students. Academic success leads to positive outcomes in life,

  • from a healthy curiosity and lifelong love of learning
  • to satisfying career options and
  • financial peace of mind.

Providing your child with the right tools for learning is a great place to start, from a quiet place to work, to pencils, pens, notebooks, calculators and more.

Essential oils are powerful tools you may not have considered. These mainstays of aromatherapy and ancient health practices can also deliver targeted help in critical areas like rest, mental clarity, energy and attitude.


Mint is one of the oldest holistic herbs, mentioned in ancient texts from China, Japan and Greece. Peppermint, in particular, is an essential oil famous for its ability to boost energy for those marathon study sessions.

Many people also report improved alertness after a few whiffs of peppermint oil. As an added benefit, when academic pursuits take a physical toll, peppermint oil or even peppermint tea can aid head tension.


Adequate rest is an absolute educational necessity. Lavender oil is just the ticket for a restful night’s sleep.

Also, this go-to oil reduces anxiousness and emotional stress (like tomorrow’s test!) and also helps clear your mind. Try making a lavender pillow (like this one from A Delightful Home) for extra benefit.

Lemon and Gardenia

These two refreshing oils are highly efficient to boost energy and promote a positive, can-do mood to tackle even the most daunting research project. As a bonus, Gardenia also brings relief from fatigue or stress.

Application Techniques

Two common application methods for essential oil are topical and aromatic.

  • The topical application involves rubbing the oil into your skin, often at the wrists, throat or temples.
  • The aromatic method consists of a diffuser that uses steam to disperse the oil into the air quickly.

A few drops of oil can also be applied to a cotton ball or tissue and gently inhaled. However, it’s always a good idea to read the package instructions to understand the best application for a particular oil.

Keep in mind the purer the essential oil is, the more powerful the results will be. If you’re using super strong brands like doTERRA, be sure to dilute the oil before use.

The education your child receives now helps shape who they will be for the rest of their life. Essential oils can be a tool to help them master this work, and reap the rewards of an excellent education.

Add to that the additional health and wellness benefits they offer, and it’s easy to see why essential oils might be a great addition to your young scholar’s study environment.

We know you want to help your stepchildren succeed and be a wonderful influence in their lives as their stepfather. Check out more of our articles like this one, for other great step-parenting tips!

About the author

About the author

I’m Harper Harmon a freelance writer and blogger who focuses on business, health and other various topics. I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in communication from UCLA. I currently reside in Santa Cruz, CA with my dog, Sassy.

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