
Devices That Never Turn Off

The average electricity bill is approximately $1,700 per year. One way to reduce this bill is to look at your current electrical use and cut down on the power you use.

However, what may surprise you is the number of devices which never turn off. This can increase your electricity utilization by a significant amount. 

Of course, it’s not a good idea to turn everything off, but you may wish to consider speaking to your local electrician in Sydney to verify you’re not leaking electricity.

Here are some of the most common household devices that don’t turn off:

Fridge / Freezer

This needs to be on, but you can reduce the amount of electricity it draws by reducing the setting of your thermostat or by replacing the refrigerator with one that is both smaller and more energy efficient.


Most people leave the microwave plugged in which means the clock is on all the time, draining electricity from your grid.


Your oven works on the same principle; it probably has a clock which is on all the time, and you may even have a fan that runs after you’ve finished using the oven.

Satellite TV Box

Most homes have satellite television (as many as 64%). In reality, this means you’ll leave this equipment on all the time. Otherwise, you’ll need to wait for the box to reprogram every time you turn the television on.


If you have a desktop computer then it is highly likely this is also left plugged in all the time; even if you shut down the computer when you’re not using it. The point is the computer will still be drawing electricity even when turned off.


You need to have your wireless box plugged in all the time. This is essential to make sure you can access the internet and social media sites on your computer, desktop, tablet and even your cell phone. Of course, this means the box will be drawing electricity all the time.

Electric Alarm Clocks

Your alarm clock is another great example of something that never turns off. It will continuously be drawing power to show the time and keep it up to date.

Home Hub

It doesn’t matter if you like Alexa, Siri or one of the other home hub options. If you have a home hub, then you will leave it on all the time.

In fact, it needs to be plugged in all the time to respond when you ask it a question.

Also, the home hub can work with your wireless box to ensure you have access to your smart systems from outside the home; but all of these systems will need to have power to them continuously.

The amount of electricity each device draws is minimal. However, when you have as many as 30 or 40 devices drawing a small amount of electricity this can make a significant difference to your annual bill. If you don’t think this applies to you, try using a smart meter and check out how much electricity is used between 3 am and 4 am on any given night!

If you are up for saving a bigger portion of your monthly income, you can find out why things in your home are so expensive. Furthermore, these tips will let you lower your living cost significantly.

About the author

About the author

Jesse Hughes carved out his niche in the interior design world with a dynamic, exuberant style, unfettered by fleeting trends and underpinned by unique creativity. Jesse broke the mold for high-end interiors, eschewing the “just finished” look to embrace the layering of carefully sourced materials, one-off pieces and commissioned artworks with his client’s collection. This approach has brought a refreshing authenticity to his writing and built up an enviable word-of-mouth reputation for elegant and sophisticated design.

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