
Are You Really Ready for Divorce?

Getting married, buying a home, having a child – these are all big decisions. Similarly, divorce is a huge decision.

You might not be certain about the consequences that come with such a major step. However, marriage is a legal and financial partnership, as well as a romantic and familial one.

There are significant changes that can come along with its end. When children are involved, the decision is considerable difficult.

When two people without children decide to end their relationship, they can move on with their lives separately afterward. Kids change everything.

You’ll be in contact with the other parent until they turn at least 18. Usually, even for many more years after, at special events like college graduations, family gatherings and weddings.

When you’re angry and frustrated but unsure if it’s time for divorce, it can be helpful to think about your answers to a few questions. A number of couples who start the divorce process are not fully aware of the implications that follow.

More so, many don’t understand the serious life changes that accompany it. People may raise the idea of divorce out of anger rather than a real desire to end the relationship permanently. 

If you’re not sure the marriage is truly over, it may be worthwhile to consider marriage counseling. A lot of people think about divorce for a long time before putting those thoughts into action.

In some cases, people may think that bringing up divorce may spark a partner into changing his or her behavior, although they don’t truly want to end the relationship. For such situations, counseling may be a good starting point.

In other cases, people may have unrealistically sunny ideas about post-divorce life. They are oblivious about the emotional, financial and practical complications that come with disentangling a long-term partnership.

Couples’ counseling doesn’t have to be about staying together at all costs. It can be an important way to prepare for an eventual divorce by bringing major issues to the table. 

Some of the most complex aspects of divorce are the financial and practical matters that come with the end of a legal partnership. Before meeting with a divorce lawyer, it’s important to figure out how family finances have worked up to this point.

The outcomes of divorce can vary depending on whether both parties work outside the home or bring in income. You should review retirement accounts and other investments as well as bank accounts and credit cards.

If one partner doesn’t have access to financial information that’s relevant to his or her own life, they can have a more difficult time during the divorce process. After all, post-divorce, the same amount of money will need to support two separate households rather than merely one.

In order to make the process smoother, compiling all of the relevant paperwork can be critical. Key documents include bank statements, financial account statements, mortgage agreements, pay stubs, insurance policies and family records.

In addition, any prenuptial agreements that exist are also important in determining a post-divorce future. Scheduling time with the children can be another key issue in divorce negotiations.

Co-parenting after divorce can be a challenge that requires both former spouses to shape a new relationship based on the needs and interests of the children. By working together and sticking to a schedule while providing emotional reassurance, parents can help to minimize the impact of divorce on the children.

Parenting time schedules should be comprehensive. It should include the sharing of custody during the school year. Also a plan to handle holidays and other important occasions.

In the first years following the divorce, significant holidays like Christmas or Thanksgiving can be challenging for both children and divorced parents. It’s important to be flexible with the other parent for the sake of the children, so their experiences of the holidays are not tainted by their parents’ conflicts.

The consequences of divorce can be serious and long-lasting. However, it’s important to thoroughly consider the fallout of separation.

In many cases, it can be important for people to leave a bad relationship in order to forge a healthier future. Thinking deeply before jumping into divorce, helps in preparing you for the next step forward.

About the author

About the author

Summer Masterson-Goethals is an experienced divorce attorney serving families, businesses and individuals in Springfield, Missouri. Masterson Law provides high-quality legal representation in Southwest Missouri at a reasonable price. Masterson Law is a general practice in consumer protection, family law, criminal defense, mediation, GAL, real estate, business, and civil litigation. As a firm, Masterson Law is committed to finding a litigation plan that works within your budget.

There’s no easy way to say this – the impact of divorce is always difficult especially for children. In many cases, divorce and remarriage can lead to the creation of a blended family.

This could involve relocation, a new home or step-siblings.


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