Product Reviews

Product Reviewers Needed

Do you like to receive cool stuff for free?  Are you able to write an unbias and objective review?  Are you also able to engage and motivate a reader by your writing? Then this opportunity may be for you.

Regularly, Support for Stepdads is asked to perform reviews of a variety of products. However the position is not paid, but as a reviewer, you’ll have the opportunity to receive great products for free. Essentially things will flow like this 

  • You will be contacted regarding your interest in participating in a particular campaign.
  • If you are selected and depending on the particular product it will be mailed or emailed to your home.
  • Receive and test the product within the specified timeframe.
  • Draft your review and send it to Support for Stepdads within the specific timeframe.
  • Keep the product in exchange for your review!
  • Proudly send your family and friends to S4S to read your published review.

If you’re excited by this opportunity please send an email expressing your interest to Also, Identify if you have a preference for particular products like electronics, food, clothing, etc. If you have them, please include the links to previously published reviews. The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, 5 Dec.

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