
How To Be The Best Parent You Can Be Today

Becoming a parent doesn’t come with a manual, so it’s easy to feel like you’re doing it all wrong. Here’s how to feel better about what you’re already doing, and learn some new ways to be even better.

Sometimes as a parent you can feel as if one day you’re doing things pretty okay. However, by the next day, it can feel like you have no idea what you’re doing.

When you had your kids you became a parent, it didn’t necessarily mean you knew what being a parent entailed.

Luckily, your kids love you pretty much no matter what and every day you learn something new. In reality, there’s no such thing as a perfect parent.

The good ones are the ones who try their very best and love their children unconditionally. But, if you’re feeling overwhelmed and just need some guidance to this whole raising a human thing, here’s how you can be the best parent you can be today.

Create a Safe Space

One of the most important things a parent can do for a child is helping them to understand that wherever you are is a safe place to be: emotionally, physically and mentally.

Create a home where they can express themselves freely without criticism or fear. This will help them to develop into a teenager and young adult who feels like they can share their thoughts and feelings with you always.

Tune In

Life can be hard and be filled with so many things that can have you running every which way. It can seem like you and your children have so many commitments and it can be hard to pay attention to everything that may be going on with them.

But one way to be a good parent is to pay attention to your child and notice both the big and small details of their lives. Talk to them if you feel something is off.

Be willing to take time out of your day to spend some quality time and give them the attention they need.

Keep Them Healthy

It may seem obvious, but make sure to keep your child’s mental, physical and emotional health a priority.

Take them to the family dentist and doctor for their regular physical checkups. Ask them how they’re feeling and address things like anxiety and depression.

Even at a young age, you can help them understand you can feel both physical and mental sickness. If they are feeling sad for long periods of time they can tell you and you can take them to the doctor for that as well.

Have Fun

Life isn’t always so serious, so make sure to have fun with your children.

Watch a funny movie, make silly faces, have a tickle fight; whatever it may be, laughing and having fun can actually help your child’s brain development in a healthy way.

Be Gentle On Yourself

Your children watch everything you do, and by the way, they think you’re pretty spectacular.

Try to not be too hard on yourself or too self-critical, because you may inadvertently teach your children to feel that way about themselves as well.

Admit your mistakes but also show you can pick yourself right up again. There’s nothing wrong with learning as you go and that everyone is human.

About the author

About the author

Tamsyn Valentine is a freelance content writer and creator, wife and mom of two. She has a Bachelor’s degree in communication, with an emphasis in public relations and advertising.

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