
The Secret To Traveling Easily With Children

Traveling with children is always a challenge whether it’s your first time or your 10th trip as a family. No matter how experienced you believe you are, there’s always some unexpected in store.

This could be due to the child or the circumstances under which you’re traveling. That’s not to say there’s no point in trying to be ready for a challenge – far from it.

There are many steps you can take to mitigate the effects of the unexpected, which is usually near when you’re traveling with children.

Whatever happens, if your preparations help to remove any lingering sense of dread over what may happen once you’re in the air or on the road, then you’ve done yourself and your family a big favor. Consider the following tips the next time you’re in travel mode.

Pack Thoughtfully

Take a strategic approach when packing. That means accounting for any child-related contingency while you’re en route and having as many handy and useful tools nearby as you can fit in a carry-on bag.

The number and kind of items will depend of course on your children’s age of your children. Your carry on might include diapers, baby wipes and pacifiers.

If your children are older, you’ll want a change of clothes, toys, headphones for music (or to block out noise), a handheld gaming device, tablet, DVD player, and extra batteries. Make room for a few snacks and juice boxes, always a necessity on a particularly long trip.

Also, keep toys clean at each stage of your trip by using wipes to prevent passing on any germs or allergens.

Roll with the Punches

Proceed with the understanding things won’t always go smoothly when traveling with children. If you’re traveling for pleasure and heading for vacation, consider the futility of trying to rush things when making your way through airport security, waiting for flights and queueing up for boarding.

Get to the airport early and let the kids set the pace as much as possible. If they want to stop and look out the window at the planes coming and going, join them.

You might find taking your time leaves you with a healthy alternative perspective, which isn’t a bad benefit of taking time away from work and your day-to-day responsibilities.


If you’re an experienced traveler, you probably know some venues are more child-friendly than others. A hotel might put you closer to a beach or tourist attraction, but a hotel isn’t necessarily the best choice if you have young children just aching to blow off steam after a four-hour flight.

If there’s no other choice, ask for a first-floor room so you don’t need to worry about disrupting people trying to sleep in the room below. It’s one of those little arrangements that can reduce your stress level considerably and make your vacation more enjoyable.

Before you book a hotel, consider the advantages of booking a vacation rental home. It gives you a “home away from home” where you don’t need to be as concerned about the kids disrupting another traveler.

A vacation rental means you can come and go as you please without concern, an important advantage when trying to stick to an itinerary. It can also make things easier and more enjoyable if you’re traveling with a handicapped child.

Start preparing as early as possible for a trip, especially if you’re bringing the kids along. Pack with foresight and in anticipation that everything won’t always go exactly as planned.

Also, try to accept the bumps in the road for what they are: part of your journey.

About the author

About the author

Ashley Taylor is a freelance writer, photographer, and advocate for people with disabilities. She created to provide information and resources to other parents with disabilities. When she isn’t working, she enjoys spending time with her husband and two children.

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