Blended FamilyDaughtersSelectedSons

Help Your Children Form An Attachment With A Stepparent

Getting married to someone who isn’t your children’s biological parent can be a tough ordeal for them. They might have mixed feelings about the person you’ve married.

Perhaps they like the person and have even gotten to know them pretty well. However, they still feel loyalty to their mom or dad who isn’t a part of your new union.

Such feelings can cause children to lash out and be disrespectful to the new person in your relationship. Unfortunately, this type of behavior is common in blended families.

So, it’s important parents take the initiative and do what they can to help their children to transition into having their new spouse fill the role of a stepparent in their lives.

No answer is perfect. Every blended family unit will have to find out what works best for them.

However, there are several strategies to help you ease your children into a good relationship with a stepparent.

Find Common Ground

Encourage activities and interests in which your children can relate to their step-parent. Set aside time for them to do these activities together.

Stay involved so you can resolve any conflicts that may occur initially. However, be cautious with this so they have enough space to bond.

Additionally, you don’t want to come off forceful in this endeavor. Doing so could backfire and have a negative impact on their relationship.

Allow them time to connect in a meaningful manner. This will give them something to help build up their relationship in a positive context.

Don’t Have Your New Spouse Be a Replacement

Let your children know that their stepparent isn’t taking the place of their other parent. Children will often feel as though they’re betraying their birth parent if they like their step-parent.

This can cause a strained and difficult relationship with their biological parent. Continue to allow them to have access to their other parent.

Consider getting the other parent involved so that they feel secure in their role. This will help to ease some of the tensions your household may be experiencing.

Be Open and Honest

Foster open dialogue in your home and establish ground rules for these communications. Let your children express their feelings and thoughts with you and their new stepparent.

It’s an adjustment for all of the members of your family. Children that feel as though they can’t communicate may close off further.

When blow-ups occur, don’t let them fester. Tackle the issue head-on so you can repair the relationship quickly.

Don’t punish your children for their emotions.

Grow the Relationship

Look into unique ways you can work towards growing all of your relationships. Make time for those impromptu family moments that will start to add up.

These are the things your children will remember at the end of the day. Another solution is to seek out advice from a relationship psychic.

Taking these little steps will help the relationship between stepparent and child to develop. Allow them to spend the day together without your presence.

This shows you have a level of trust for the new parent in the relationship. Stepparenting will never be an easy task no matter the circumstances.

Recognize the challenges you will face so you can develop a strategy to overcome them.

About the author

About the author

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and full-time mother from Sacramento, CA. Her two boys keep her very busy. They are her inspiration for much of her writing. Her favorite subjects to write about are family and business.

I believe many of us have a desire to know our future which is why psychics are so widespread and popular. As a youth, I remember visiting a fortune teller at a carnival.

Later, I remember calling a psychic hotline after leaving the Air Force to learn what my future held. Now that I’m older, and I believe wiser this is what I believe:

  • Dead people are not available for psychic contact
    • They are either in the presence of God or a place of suffering awaiting eternal judgment
  • Two explanations for psychic contact with the dead
    • Many psychics are frauds. They research their subjects’ histories beforehand and engage in “cold readings” of their subjects
    • Contact is made with demonic (familiar) spirits who can disguise themselves as departed human beings and communicate information few if any people would know
  • Several TV programs/specials featuring psychics and clairvoyants, etc. are edited by the producers to make the psychics seem 100% accurate in their statements
  • Followers of Christ are forbidden to participate in psychic attempts to communicate with dead people

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