
Five Things To Do After Graduating High School

Once your child graduates from high school, the next logical step is going to college. Or is it?

It might be for some, for those who know what they want to become and are ready to work for it right now. But, for others, the ones who haven’t found their true calling yet, there may be some other things to do and experience before even considering college.

There’s nothing wrong with them taking some time to figure out what they want from life and how to get it. However, if high school grads do take that time off, they shouldn’t waste it.

Here are five smart things your child can do after high school graduation.

Get a Job

If your son or daughter isn’t sure if they want to study further or not, they should start working and see if that makes them happy. They can benefit from getting a job in more than one way.

First of all, they’ll find out if they’re satisfied with the jobs they can get with their high school diploma. Then they can make the final decision on whether to pursue academic studies or not.

Second, they’ll learn the value of money and how to deal with basic finances.

Third, they can gain precious work experience and see what jobs they prefer doing over others. And finally, they can save some money for something that’s important to them.

It could be college, but it could also be a trip around Europe or any other part of the world.

Travel the World

An amazing thing your teenager can do is to travel and learn about other nations and cultures. In America, students usually use their year off or the “gap year.”

They take trips to countries like France, India or Australia, sometimes combining those trips with volunteering and learning a new language. If you’re from Australia, and your teen will graduate this year, you should consider some relaxing schoolies by Unleashed Grad Trips.

Schoolies are graduate trips to various parts of the world, which will allow your child to meet new people. They’ll get the chance to see the world they only know from their textbooks and have some fun.

An important aspect of this type of trips is your child’s safety, and you needn’t worry. The children are bound to follow certain rules.

They have medical staff available at all times, as well as a 24 hour emergency line for the parents. In that way you’ll know what your child is up to whenever you want.  

Learn Some New Skills

Just because your teen’s not studying doesn’t mean they can’t develop new abilities and work on their talents. For example, they can use that time to learn a new language or take a course in web design.

This can improve their future job prospects, as well as help them get into the college of their choice the following year. They can take driving lessons, learn how to play an instrument or how to cook.

These skills can be an addition to their resume, the one future employers might find appealing and useful.

Do Charity Work

If your child decides to invest their time and effort into supporting a cause they believe in. You should let them.

That way, they can be taught responsibility and persistence, as well as further develop their empathy. What’s more, they may get some insight on what they want to do with their life.

Whether they wish to protect the environment, take care of stray dogs or help find housing for the homeless. Or assist the elderly in some way, charity work can help your child grow and provide them with valuable experience.

Family Bonding

Not everything your child does has to be meant for improving special skills or earning money. The time after graduation can also be well used for you to spend some time together as a family and bond as much as you can before your child takes their own path in life.

Think of activities you can do together, from playing board games or sports to volunteering. You can even take your whole family for a vacation somewhere, so you can explore new places together.

The shared experiences can get you closer and strengthen the ties between you. Also, encourage your child to spend time with their siblings, so they stay in touch once they go their separate ways.

As important it’s for your child to know they can count on you, they should also know they can rely on their brothers and sisters for support in life and their siblings should be able to count on them as well.

Whatever your child wants to do after graduation, if they’re excited about it, you should let them pursue it. They need to find themselves and their purpose in this world, so support them unconditionally.

About the author

About the author

This post was kindly provided by Claire Adams. Claire is a personal and professional development expert who believes a positive attitude is one of the keys to success. You can find her online writing and giving tips about lifestyle and development as a regular contributor to You can follow Claire on Facebook and Twitter.

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