
Five Easy Ways To Eat Healthier As A Family

Poor eating habits in childhood often set the foundation for future medical conditions such as osteoporosis and type 2 diabetes. However, it can affect children in their early years too.

A research study conducted in 2008 by National Institutes of Health (NIH) showed children with poor diets do not perform well in academics as compared to students having rich diets with proteins and vitamins.

Jamie Oliver started the Food Revolution in schools and communities to promote healthy eating among young children and families. Initially, the campaign was unsuccessful.

However, due to an increase in health awareness, it influenced the minds and homes of the locals. Children who once cried for candies and chocolate bars are now satisfied with their meals of peas and mashed potatoes.

Here are five easy ways to eat healthier as a family.

Start as You Plan to Go

This simply means if you want your family to eat a variety of healthy foods then you need to feed them a variety of healthy food from the beginning. Experiment with their food.

If you’re serving oatmeal and eggs in the morning, try serving proteins in the form of meat and beans for lunch. Keep dinner light by adding sprouted bread, salads and light snacks.

Adjusting to a new diet can be hard and frustrating but food disdained today might become tomorrow’s new favorite. Just don’t give up.

Introduce one Menu for All

According to research, babies eat what adults eat.

If you have them sit with you during meal time and feed them whatever you’re eating, the chances are high they’ll develop a habit of eating healthy food.

Another great way to encourage healthy eating habits with your child is to let them pick their own food items from the table. If your child is less than 3 years old, serve their food on their table.

They might make a mess in the beginning but eventually get into the habit of eating healthy with the family. Don’t let your children control what they’re fed.

You’re responsible for the nutritional quality of the food they eat.

Plan in Advance

A little planning beforehand can save you from falling into the trap of an unhealthy lifestyle. That’s right.

It will not only save your time but also make healthy eating more fun and easier. If you spend 20 minutes a week to plan your meals for the upcoming week you wouldn’t have to rack your brain after a long tiring day.

Preparing your meals semi-cooked in advance will also help you spend more time with your family on the table.

One benefit of planning your meals in advance also gives you a chance to keep in check the number of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and minerals you are feeding your family.

Planning ahead will help you bond with your family instead of making round trips to the grocery store. You can make planning more interesting by including your family members in helping you with the task.

Prepare a list that satisfies the cravings of every person in the family.

You can also set a day for a specific meal. This way you promote a healthy and balanced eating plan, and also prioritize your family’s wishes.

Encourage Conversations at the Dining Table

After a long day of work, school and errands dining together is a great way for a family to stay updated in each other life’s and engage over a healthy meal. An old famous saying goes by; a family that eats together, stays together.

If you’re in charge of what your family eats, then prepare something light and healthy you know everyone will enjoy at the table and allow them to eat away the stress of the entire day.

Fill the Fridge

Watching your kids destroy their bodies with junk food is the biggest nightmare of any parent. To prevent this bad habit, nutritionists suggests, filling your fridge with raw vegetables, fruits and home-cooked meals.

Prepare some ready to eat meals, salads, slices of meat, berries and dry fruits they can devour as snacks throughout the day. Remember, it’s never too late to start living a safe and healthy life.

Judy Robinson is a passionate health and lifestyle blogger. She loves to write on women’s healthy lifestyle, fitness 101 and DIY related topics.

Follow @judyrobinson for more updates.

About the author

About the author

Judy Robinson is a passionate health and lifestyle blogger. She loves to write on women’s healthy lifestyle, fitness 101 and DIY related topics. Follow @judyrobinson for more updates.

Any more suggestions on how to eat healthy as a family? Please write it in the Comments. Thanks.

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  1. These are good ways to eat healthier. As a parent we should provide healthy food choices for our family because healthy food equals a healthy body.

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