
Friday Humor ~ Sophisticated Lady

A classy looking lady was walking down the street when she was a approached by a female panhandler asking for money. The lady took a $20 bill out of her purse, and asked “if I give you this money will you spend it on chocolate.”

“Don’t be ridiculous” the panhandler replied “does it look like I have nothing better to spend money on?” “How about shopping?” she asked.

“No,” the panhandler said, “don’t you understand I need money just to stay alive.” “Will you spend it on your hair?” the lady asked.

Annoyed the panhandler replied, “No, I just need money for food and shelter. “In that case” the lady said “I don’t want to just give you money I would like you to eat out with me and my husband tonight.”

“Why?” The panhandler asked. “Well,” the lady said “I think it’s important for him to see what someone looks like after she gives up chocolate, shopping and hair appointments.”

God made Adam first because he didn’t want any advice from Eve how to make Adam.

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