
Understanding Your Child’s Development

Understanding Your Child’s Development – 10 Important Things To Remember

The developing stage of every child is indeed a great experience for parents all around the world. For the first-time parents, it’s even more exciting.

However, there are a few crucial things a parent needs to remember to make sure your child is developing in a healthy and happy environment.

Let’s check out understanding your child’s development.

1. Focus on Your Child

The most important thing of your child’s development is undoubtedly concentration. You need to concentrate on your child’s activities.

You should avoid talking to others, working or cleaning while your little one is trying to talk to you or wants to show you something.

2. Be Gentle and Caring

You know kids are the most delicate creatures. Whenever they do any wrong, don’t scold or beat them rather always be gentle and caring for them.

Always remember kids learn from their parents. They must imitate the positive attitudes of their parents.

3. Smile Back

Smile back when your children smile at you. It will give confidence to your children, and they will come to know that you like them as well as appreciate them.

Tell them you love them and they are beautiful. Your positive words are their best gifts in life.

4. Put Down Your Phone

We know what your mobile phone means to you, but don’t forget your children are more important than it. Personally, when I spend time with my baby girl, I put my phone and laptop down.

Then we talk to each other and share our views.  Also, you can try this option to ensure better development of your kids.

5. Play Outside Together

What can be better than playing outside with your toddler? When you’re home, don’t sit down idly doing things that waste time and energy.

Instead, take your toddler out, and enjoy your day playing soccer, cricket and other games. Involve the neighborhood kids so your little one can learn new things from them too.

6. Show Interest in Their Interests and Achievements

If your baby is interested in doing some extra-curricular activities, you should show interest in them also as a loving and caring parent. When you’re interested in all these things, your children will get enthusiasm that will make them more confident in future.

Also, don’t forget to appreciate their achievements every time no matter how silly they are.

7. Recognizing their Talent

Appreciating is the best option in child development to keep them on the right track and encourage for achieving newer things. Whenever your kids try something new like painting, dancing, sketching or singing, appreciate the talent.

Never scold them to ask them to leave it even if they are doing something hardly relevant comparing to what you want your kids to do.

8. Celebrate Holidays

Family holidays are significant in child development. It helps the kids know their parents well, and parents also can understand their children’s attitude.

You can cook delicious foods of your child’s likings on holidays and decorate the house with your babies. Moreover, it relieves pressure and gives you mental peace at the same time.

9. Timeout Session

Timeout is essential to teach manners. It works very well for toddlers.

Pick a suitable place where you can leave your children for some alone to let them think about their wrongdoings. This will enable them to behave well but always remember to limit the session from 30 seconds to one minute, that’s it.

10. Set Up Rules

Set up some rules according to you and your child’s daily life and make sure the children are following the rules accordingly. Help them with their homework and follow the rules.

Give simple punishments if they break the rules and don’t behave appropriately. However, never get intimidating towards them.

Instead, encourage them to be more attentive to follow the rules. Now, it’s your turn to put the words into action if you’ve found something new here you don’t follow.  

About the author

About the author

I am Angelica Murdock, a working Mom with two lovely children. I have a parenting blog https://www.welcomeparenthood.com/ where I share my personal experience as well as parenting tips, tricks and guideline to make parenting comparatively more comfortable for working moms like me.

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