
Six Ways To Protect Your Knees While Exercising

Exercise is good for you, but one wrong move and it could be very bad for your knees.

Sadly, knee replacement, hip replacement, shoulder surgery and orthopedic surgery, might be an eventuality for most of us, especially if we’re active. Years of sports and exercise can wear these joints down and cause them to have to be replaced altogether.

But what if orthopedic surgery could be put off for many years or even forever? Knowing how to prevent injuries, especially to your knees, is simply a matter of knowing what to do and what not to do, especially while exercising.

Here are six ways to prevent knee injuries while trying to stay fit and active, and hopefully prevent other serious bodily injury too.

  1. Stretch Before and After

Stretching before and after exercising is a really good way to prevent knee and other joint injuries.

According to American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, stretching can help runners prevent hip injuries, shin splints and foot-cramping.

This is because stretching allows the muscles to properly warm up and cool down. Allowing the muscles to stay more flexible and agile to be able to do the moves necessary for certain exercise without injury.

  1. Stay Hydrated

Drinking water is essential for all daily life, but especially necessary when it comes to preventing knee injury.

Drinking water keeps your joints lubricated so they can move without cramping, and it regulates your body temperature.

This is important if you want your body to be performing at its best. Plus, not hydrating correctly during exercise can cause cramping, dizziness and feeling overly tired.

  1. Know What you are Doing

Whether it’s running, lifting weights, riding a bike or rock climbing, knowing the correct form and how to properly do a certain exercise or activity can prevent knee injury.

Asking someone who’s trained in the exercise you’re doing and having them watch your form can help prevent you from doing something bad to your knees and other parts of your body.

If you don’t know how to do something or something feels uncomfortable and not right, it probably is, and you should stop and wait to do it until someone can help and teach you.

  1. Use the Proper Equipment

From the right protective gear to the right shoes, using the proper equipment while exercising is a must while trying to prevent a knee injury.

If running is your exercise of choice, make sure to wear the right shoes with the right support.

Most people don’t know the best person to ask for the size and type of support you need for your running shoes is your doctor, according to the American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons.

If you need to wear pads or a brace for certain types of exercises, make sure to wear them or you will be searching for an orthopedic surgeon before you know it.

  1. Don’t Always do the Same Thing

Everyone has their preferred form of exercising, whether it’s running, lifting weights or even Zumba.

The important thing when it comes to preventing knee and other joint injury is to mix it up when it comes to exercising.

Doing the same type of exercise every day will work the same muscles. Eventually it will wear out the joints and cartilage associated with them.

By switching it up you exercise new muscles, which is not only good for your body and overall health, but it’s good for your knees and joints because it alleviates that constant pressure.

  1. Learn to Rest

Just as it’s important to cross train and switch up your exercise routine, it’s important to know when to take a rest day.

As hard as your body can work and push itself physically, it’s also important to take a little break and let your muscles and joints rest and recuperate to prevent them from being overused and injured.

Having one to two rest days a week will help your body stay strong for the days you want to work out as hard as you can.

About the author

About the author

Tamsyn Valentine is a freelance content writer and creator, wife and mom of two. She has a Bachelor’s degree in communication, with an emphasis in public relations and advertising.

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