
How to Properly Eliminate Gross Bathroom Bacteria

Believe it or not, the bathroom is one of the grossest places in the home. Based on studies to determine how much bacteria could be found in bathrooms of random homeowners, it’s easy to say the bathroom contains a whole lot of nasty bacteria.

While one of the rooms in your home loaded with germs is the bathroom, there are a few things you can do to tackle those germs and keep your bathroom as clean as possible. A few good habits could prevent a lot of that bacteria buildup from developing.

Taking Care of the Shower

Professional cleaners, Connect Cleaners, suggest you should start by making sure you’re giving your shower a thorough cleaning at least once a week. You can start by washing the shower-head because germs and bacteria can develop on it.

Cleaning the shower-head is important because this is where your water is coming from when you’re trying to take a shower, so grab an old shopping bag, fill it with some white vinegar, and then tie it over the shower-head so it soaks in the vinegar for several hours at a time.

After allowing it to sit in the vinegar for about 8-12 hours, you’ll need to remove the plastic bag. Then let the water run out of the shower-head for a minute or two before you get in the tub and start showering for the day.

If you have a shower curtain or a shower liner, consider wiping it down to remove any mold and throw it in the washing machine if at all possible. Most shower curtains can go in the washing machine.

Washing your shower curtains is an effective way to get rid of any germs and bacteria that may be lingering on your shower curtain. If you don’t have a shower curtain and you have a shower door, you can still do a good job of removing bacteria by wiping the shower door down with a combination of white vinegar and baking soda.

Blend the two ingredients, apply a thick coating on the doors, and let it sit for about an hour before wiping it away with a soft cloth. You can even clean your tub on a weekly basis by filling it up with some hot water and then wiping it down with a cleanser designed specifically for bathroom use.

After taking a shower, try to wipe the inside of the shower down with a dry towel to remove moisture. If moisture gets left behind, mold can start to grow. If you want to keep mold from growing, wipe away the water and open a window in your bathroom to let the air circulate a lot more.

Cleaning the Grout

Want to make sure the grout in your shower looks white and clean? If it’s looking a bit dingy or you’ve noticed some mold growing on it, you’ll need to give it a good cleaning. You can purchase a grout brush that will make it easier for you to get into these difficult spaces.

Pour some bleach on the brush and then scrub away at the grout to keep it looking clean.

Taking care of the grout is important. It’s a porous material, and that makes it even easier for bacteria to grow on it.

If you’d like to take extra precautionary measures, you should consider sealing the grout at least twice a year.

Handling the Tiles and the Walls

Purchase an all-purpose bathroom cleaner to use on the tiles and the walls of your bathroom. Spray these areas with the all-purpose cleaner, allow it to sit for about five minutes, and run the hot water to get some steam going inside the bathroom.

Allow the steam to sit in the room for at least 20-30 minutes before you start wiping away at the cleanser. The steam helps to loosen up bits of dirt and grime for you so that it’s easier to scrub away at all that bad stuff.

If you’d like to prevent water droplet marks from appearing on the bathroom tile, consider putting a small amount of car wax on the tile. It’s not something you’ll need to do often.

You may even want to look into repainting your bathroom walls with paint that is known for being mold and mildew resistant because that would be far more convenient for you.

Cleaning Out the Toilet

The toilet is usually the least favorite thing for people to clean, but it must get done because it’s a breeding zone for bacteria. You can quickly and effectively clean the toilet by throwing some baking soda into the toilet bowl, leaving it in the toilet for around 20-30 minutes, and then brushing away at it with a toilet brush to remove any icky stuff.

If you have some limescale in the toilet, you can use a pumice stone to get rid of it without causing any damage to your toilet. You’ll need to clean your toilet brush as well.

Most people don’t realize the importance of cleaning the toilet brush, but if it doesn’t get cleaned properly, it’s going to have tons of bacteria and germs all over it. After using it, pour a cup of bleach over it, let the bleach sit for 10 minutes, and then rinse it off with hot water.

If you have a special holder for your toilet brush, make sure you’re cleaning it out with bleach, too. Cleaning the toilet is a must.

When you flush the toilet, some of the bacteria will end up in the air, spreading around in your bathroom. The last thing you want to do is to deal with bacteria in the air that could potentially cause you or your loved ones to get sick.

It’s a good idea to flush the toilet after closing the lid to prevent some of that bacteria from spreading around in your bathroom.

Get a Sparkling Sink

As a finishing touch, you’ll need to take care of the sink. It may not be something you use nearly as long as the shower or toilet, but you’ll still need to wash it out to keep bacteria from forming. Mix equal parts of baking soda and white vinegar, pour into the drain, and then let the faucet run for about a minute or two with hot water.

Use a disinfectant spray on the faucet and the handles because they likely have many germs on them from all the different hands that have touched them.

While the bathroom may be gross because it’s a breeding zone for all kinds of bacteria, there are steps you can take to keep it clean. If you’re willing to put forth the effort, you can keep your bathroom in good shape.

Nobody wants to clean, but as a married man, you’ll want to do your part to keep a clean home. Your wife will appreciate it. In fact, researchers from Cornell and Georgia State Universities have learned couples who share the housework have the most sex, are most satisfied with their frequency of lovemaking, and report the highest quality sex lives.

As a responsible, single guy, you’ll want the woman in your life to know she’s not dating a teenager. It helps to have some powerful cleaning tools at your disposal when it’s time to clean.

About the author

About the author

Cormac Reynolds writes on fashion for some blogs and thoroughly enjoys it. He loves to travel when he’s not writing for fashion blogs.






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