
Minimalist House Design – Five Points To Consider

The idea of minimalism is featuring more and more in everyday life. It’s not a new concept.

The Minimalist Art Movement first rose to prominence in New York in the 1960s. The ethos of minimalism has continued to gain popularity since then.

Today, there’s a growing passion for the minimalist lifestyle, including minimalist travel and minimalist house design.

So, what are the features of a minimalist home? How does this type of property differ from those with more traditional designs?

Simplicity and Space

One of the biggest tell tale signs of a minimalist property is the use of simplistic floor plans. The emphasis is on the creation of space, and a reduction in the number of walls and obstacles.

A minimalist design also normally makes use of as much natural light as possible.

This is an important aspect of minimalist design as natural light is beneficial to human health.

Clean Exterior Lines 

It’s not just inside a property you can see signs of minimalist design. Experts in facade engineering create exteriors with clean and clear lines.

There’s no room for fussy decoration or adornments on the exterior of a property that is designed to be minimalist.

Limited and Functional Decoration

Decorations are also limited in the interior of a minimalist designed home. It’s all about natural color schemes, that help make the best use of natural light.

Walls in this type of property are never covered with photographs or pieces of art. This type of decoration may involve the use of one or two paintings or photographs on a feature wall.

Creating Depth and Texture with Limited Materials

As any minimalist home is clear of clutter, and has the minimum amount of furnishings and decoration. It’s important that different materials are used to give a sense of depth and texture to the surroundings.

Timber has different textures, as well as different grains in the wood, to add interest to the design. Textured tiles can also be used, on walls and floors.

A Clutter-Free Environment

One of the most important aspects of a minimalist home is that it needs to be clutter free. There is little point in living in a property with a minimalist design if you have lots of clothing, and other items, hanging around, that you no longer use.

Opting to live in a minimalist manner means you need to clear out any excess items you own. Start with one room at a time.

Sort items into those you want to keep, to donate, to sell and need to be thrown away. Take your time. Make sure you’re strict with yourself, so you really do get rid of everything you don’t need.

Minimalist house design is one aspect of living a minimalist life that is becoming increasingly popular. If you like this design idea, then start thinking of ways to change your own home.

Start small by clearing out clutter, and progress to bigger projects, such as redecorating and changing the layout.

About the author

About the author

Jesse Hughes carved out his niche in the interior design world with a dynamic, exuberant style, unfettered by fleeting trends and underpinned by a unique creativity. Jesse broke the mold for high-end interiors, eschewing the ‘just finished’ look to embrace the layering of carefully sourced materials, one-off pieces and commissioned artworks with his client’s collection. This approach has brought a refreshing authenticity to his writing and built up an enviable word-of-mouth reputation for elegant and sophisticated design.

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