
Four Tips For Raising A Global Citizen

The world today is a much different place than it was a few decades ago. Thanks to the internet, you can cross a geographical border with a single mouse click. 

It’s now commonplace to have acquaintances scattered around the globe. With social media, the ease and speed of air travel, and the availability of video conferencing, today’s citizens are much more focused on the peoples of the world than ever before.

You’ll want to take this into account as you strive to teach your kids to be more inclusive in their views. Consider these four ideas as you look for ways to expand your kids global horizon.

Move to Another Country for a Year

With the ready availability of telecommuting, you might find yourself in a position of being able to take your family overseas for a year or two or even three. Pick a country, pack up and move internationally!

There’s no better way to learn about various cultures than to experience them first hand. You’ll be amazed of the enriching opportunities you’ll encounter, coupled with the tighter bonds your family you’ll have as a result of the experience.

Travel to Another Country

If you can’t find a way to move your family overseas, consider taking an extended trip or two to another country. This is a great way to spend some time with the family and give them an educational opportunity at the same time.

There are some great places to see that won’t break the bank, while allowing your kids to see what it’s like to be a global citizen.

Watch International Movies

Instead of always watching American features, occassionally look for an international film from time to time as a stimulating change of pace. Movies truly teach a great deal about culture.

Watching foreign flicks with your children will give you more than a few talking points to discuss over the family dinner table.

Attend a Local International Festival or Celebration

With so many different cultures represented in America today, its no surprise we’re considered a melting pot. This means your city probably has its fair share of International festivals and celebrations.

Mark these events down on your calendar and make sure you and the kids take part. This is sure to be a great, and fun, learning experience for everyone.

These four ideas will help you show your children the world in a new and exciting way. This will not only help them to become a well-rounded individual, but also a global citizen at the same time.

They will appreciate the effort you have taken as they mature into adults ready to embrace the world and all that it has to offer.

About the author

About the author

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and full-time mother from Sacramento, CA. Her two boys keep her very busy, and they are her inspiration for much of her writing. Her favorite subjects to write about are family and business.

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