
Your Teen And Their Hygiene

How to Get Your Teen to Take Responsibility for Their Hygiene

Having good personal hygiene is an extremely essential habit for everyone. Good hygiene may not necessarily be as meaningful or the focus for a young child.

As your kid matures it will become more and more critical to have grown up hygiene habits. If you have a teenager that doesn’t seem to be attentive to their personal hygiene, here are several tips that will help you motivate your teen to take responsibility for their own personal hygiene.

Give Them the Essentials

Fun ways you can encourage a teenager to take responsibility for their own personal hygiene is to provide them with the means needed to remain clean and hygenic. This should include soap, deodorant, shampoo and any other personal care products they need.

Ideally, you should look for effective products geared towards teens. These products could make your teen excited about keeping up with their appearance. 

In turn, resulting in them taking responsibility for their hygiene.

Encourage Good Dental Care

Another tip is to encourage good oral hygiene. Oral hygiene is extremely critical for everyone.

It can be even more important for teenagers as this is the time when adult teeth are continuing to strengthen and grow stronger roots.

You should be sure to explain the importance of good oral hygiene. Give your teen the proper tips necessary to make sure they’re brushing and flossing effectively and regularly.

Furthermore, you’ll need to take the initiative to ensure your kids are regularly seeing their dentists and getting all of the proper care they need.

This includes regular cleanings and special services like teeth whitening in Burnsville, MN or wherever you may live.

Establish Early Routines

Another thing you can do to encourage your teen to take greater responsibility for their hygiene is to establish routines early on. While your kids are still young, you should focus on building daily personal care routines.

This should include brushing their teeth every morning and evening, taking a daily showers and having their hair cut once or twice per month. These types of routines should be established early as they will soon feel like a necessary responsibility as opposed to a choice.

Soon, your teen will add their own style and processes to these routines.

Peer Influence

Another way you can motivate your teen is using peer influence. As your kids continue to grow older, keeping up with their peers will be more and more important.

While it’s not always a good idea to compare your child to other kids, comparing them to those having good personal hygiene in a encouraging way could be very beneficial. By pointing out peers that are well-groomed, your child could get a sense of what it takes to keep themselves healthy and hygienic.

You could also guess what tasks these kids do on a daily basis, which could include daily showers, regular brushing teeth and getting their hair cut when necessary.

In conclusion, having good personal hygiene is extremely important for all people. This is even true for teenagers who are approaching the thresholds of adulthood.

Unfortunately, some teenagers don’t seem to not care too much about their own personal hygiene. For those of you who have teenagers that do not seem focused or motivated by personal hygiene, there are four tips that can be followed that will help to encourage a teenager to take responsibility for their own personal hygiene.

About the author

About the author

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and full-time mother from Sacramento, CA. Her two boys keep her very busy, and they are her inspiration for much of her writing. Her favorite subjects to write about are family and business.

For many of us, alcohol is a part of our lifestyle. We use alcohol to celebrate special moments in life.

From graduations, weddings and even birthday parties; we supplement gatherings of friends and family with alcohol. We also pair alcohol with some of our favorite foods.

From drinking over their limit, drinking and driving while intoxicated, and even alcoholism. Although the effects of alcohol when abused can be dangerous, it’s important to expose and educate your teen about alcohol and its role in a responsible atmosphere.

Copyright: bengingell / 123RF Stock Photo

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