
Make Sure Your Kids Are Regularly Brushing

Many kids don’t want to stop playing to go and brush their teeth. Although baby teeth eventually fall out, their proper care and health is critical to the healthy development and growth of your child’s adult teeth.

Taking care of your kid’s teeth is important. Follow these four tips to make sure your kids regularly brushing their teeth.

Brush Your Teeth Together

If your children are toddlers or preschoolers, they will not yet have the hand dexterity to properly brush their teeth without help. Make it fun by brushing your teeth together.

Let your child have a turn brushing his or her teeth. Then you can finish the job.

Give your child some joy by allowing him or her to brush your teeth or tongue. Engaging with your children in these sort of tasks can help them in more ways than encouraging them to care for their teeth.

Visit the Dentist

Visit the dentist at least every six months or more frequently as needed. Professional dentists and hygienists, like those at Family First Dentistry LLC, can show your child where they do a great job brushing and where they need to do a better job.

The dental care staff can also explain or show your child pictures of what could happen to their teeth if they don’t brush them regularly. The dentist can also provide helpful tips about flossing and using mouth rinses.

Celebrate a successful visit to the dentist with a fun activity such as a trip to the park. Taking the time to get your child the reliable dental care they deserve is worth every penny you spend. 

Let Them Choose Fun Toothbrushes

Allow your child to choose a fun toothbrush. There are brushes that:

  • Come with stickers to decorate them, brushes that
  • Play music, and
  • Come with popular comic book or movie characters.

If your child likes his or her toothbrush, he or she will be more likely to use it. Allow your child to pick their toothpaste, too.

There are toothpastes flavored with kid’s favorites like bubble gum, fruit punch and other child loved flavors. However, be careful when buying these, because some can contain harsh additives and many artificial flavors and colors.  Try to find an all-natural brand that uses natural plant extracts and oils if at all possible.

Play a Great Song to Make it Fun

If your child’s toothbrush doesn’t play music or have a timer, start one of your own. Choose two minutes of a song he or she likes and have them brush his or her teeth while it plays.

Make it a special time and only play that song during tooth brushing and flossing activities. Pick a new song if your child gets tired of the current one.

If your child is at higher risk of cavities, consider sending a toothbrush and toothpaste to school. If this isn’t possible, have your child brush his or her teeth as soon as he or she gets home.

Some kids will need to brush their teeth more than twice per day in order to keep them clean.

About the author

About the author

Rachelle Wilber is a freelance writer living in the San Diego, California area. She graduated from San Diego State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Media Studies. Rachelle tries to find an interest in all topics and themes, which prompts her writing. When she isn’t on her porch writing in the sun, you can find her shopping, at the beach or at the gym. Follow her on Twitter @RachelleWilber and Facebook.

Teeth brushing is just one of important four hygiene habits that can affect your child’s personal health and even lifespan. Read on to learn four important healthy habits that can make a long-term difference in your child’s health and well-being.

These habits are important to instill at a young age.

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