
Parenting A Child With Anxiety Issues

Tips For Parenting a Child with Anxiety Issues

As an adult, you probably know some people with anxiety issues. Also, you might have experienced your own bouts with anxiety a time or two.

Anxiety disorders aren’t fun for any adult to deal with and must be managed. However, it gets even more challenging for children.

Children should be care-free. School, hobbies, and friends should be their focus.

Unfortunately, there are many children who are riddled with anxiety for a number of reasons.

If your child is experiencing anxiety issues, it’s your job as a parent to guide them through this challenge and get them to a stable place. You can achieve this goal with the following tools.

Emotional Presence

It’s important to show up and be present for your child.

When anxiety rears its ugly head and your child feels frantic, you’ve got to be the one to remain calm.

Do your best to encourage your child when they’ve made it through an anxiety attack or managed their emotions well.

Be observant and notice their patterns and the things triggering their anxiety.

For their emotional stability, it’s important to become a safe haven for your child. They should know when they’re not feeling great, they can come to their parent and everything will get worked out.

Physical Exercise

Many people exercise because they want to manage their weight. However, physical exercise can do wonders for mental health as well.

There’s something about working up a sweat that can assist in regulating a person’s mood swings. Try to make sure your child has a chance to exercise daily.

Not only will this tire them out for a good night’s rest, but it’ll also help with any nervous energy they may have.

Try to go with a sport or physical activity they really enjoy. Dance, soccer, and basketball are all great options.

If they prefer to ride bikes or skate around on their rollerblades, make sure they have an opportunity to do this on a daily basis.


The home environment needs to be a haven conducive to peace and happiness. If there’s a lot of fighting, discord or dysfunction in the home, those three are enough to stir up anxiety in anyone.

Do your best to make sure your home remains a safe and clutter-free zone. A cluttered home is a breeding ground for a cluttered mind.

Whether you choose zen-like decor or a modern style, make sure your home exudes tranquility. If your family enjoys swimming, consider installing a relaxing pool or spa in the backyard.

Water is an excellent element to add to increase the calm factor.


One of the best habits to consider is therapy. Set up therapy sessions with a licensed psychotherapist for you and your child.

You should have a separate session for your personal benefit because you want to make sure you take care of yourself as you try to take care of your child. Think of the airplane instructions.

It’s wise to put on your own mask before you try to help others.

The therapist can also give you pointers and tips on how to handle your child in a more effective way.

This process may feel a little arduous at times. When it comes to anxiety, there will be good days and there will naturally be a few hard days too.

When it feels like these tools aren’t worth the effort, remember it all will have a compounded effect on your child. Your child’s well-being and mental health are worth the hard work you put in.

If you can help one child live a life that’s free of anxiety, you’ve fulfilled an amazingly noble task. The fact the child is yours is a bonus! Read on to find out how you can foster mental wellness in your child.

About the author

About the author

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and full-time mother from Sacramento, CA. Her two boys keep her very busy, and they are her inspiration for much of her writing. Her favorite subjects to write about are family and business.

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