
How to Keep Your Athletic Child Injury-Free

If you have an athletic child, you probably want them to experience sports and physical activity in a positive way that promotes mental and physical health. Yet the ongoing threat of an injury that harms your child may keep you on edge.

If this is the case, it’s important to learn what strategies you can implement to keep your athletic child injury-free. Here are four of them:

1. Emphasize The Importance Of Wearing A Helmet

One particularly undesirable form of injury a child may suffer is a traumatic brain injury resulting from playing a sport. This could be football, baseball, cycling, or something else.

To prevent these unwanted injuries, talk to your child regularly about the importance of protecting the head by wearing a helmet. In the event your child experiences an injury, he or she can attain restorative care.

Yet, according to Bennett & Sharp PLLC, many physicians and attorneys don’t always recognize the symptoms and complexities involved when it comes to a brain injury.

This is especially important to be wary of when it comes to dealing with concussions, so make sure to always ask questions and be willing to get second opinions and, if you need it, legal help.

2. Talk About The Value Of Cross-Training

One reason people who play sports or exercise frequently experience injuries is because they repeat the same motions over and over again. An example would be a runner who runs on the treadmill for one hour six days a week.

This type of repeated practice can put extra, unnecessary strain on the same regions of the body, thereby making them more susceptible to injury. As such, you should be sure to emphasize the value of cross-training to your child.

This practice involves continually engaging in different activities so your child is not using the same muscles or performing the same motions all the time. An example of cross-training would be weightlifting on Monday and Wednesday while running on Tuesday and Thursday.

3. Make Sure Your Child Takes A Rest Day

Some children get so engaged with sports they want to engage in physical activity every day. Yet it’s probably prudent for the child to take at least one day off.

Doing so will allow the child’s body to rest and recover from all of the ongoing strain resulting from intense physical activity. Make sure your child has a wide range of fun and/or educational activities to participate in on their day off.

4. Increase Flexibility

Did you know having a flexible joint will decrease the risk of injury? It’s true and that’s why you should definitely make sure your child is performing exercises that optimize flexibility.

An example would be yoga. Also, make sure your child gets in the habit of stretching before and after the workout.

If you want your child to be safe from injury, it’s important to put a plan in place. You can use some or all of the techniques outlined above to keep your child injury-free.

About the author

About the author

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and full-time mother from Sacramento, CA. Her two boys keep her very busy, but they are her inspiration for much of her writing. Her favorite subjects to write about are family and business.

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