
Supporting Your Teen’s Career Choice

Supporting Your Teen’s Career Choice As A Divorced Parent

Like most parents, our children are growing up with their goals and aspirations. As a young child, they may dream of one day becoming President or Prime Minister, an engineer or even the first person to land on Mars. 

As parents, we strive to feed their passion in every way. Even as those dreams become more practical as they consider vocations, college and careers. Those adolescent goals turn to something like becoming an architect, auto mechanic, or doctor.

As our children grow and change, so do our families, so it’s vital in nurturing their passion, even as divorced parents.

Consider these few tips to make sure you’re doing your best in guiding their way.

Support Their Career Choice

As with any dream or aspiration, we all want to be heard. As parents, we have a duty to show we’re interested. Be sure to ask questions such as:

  • “What is it about this career that interests you?”,
  • “What kind of education is required for this line of work?”, and
  • “What can you do now to better prepare for this career?”

Questions such as these show your genuine interest in letting your child know you’re supportive and engaged in their life.

Be sure to seek an understanding as to where their passion for their career choice comes from and what you can do to help. Do your part with your ex-spouse by coming together to show your interest and provide leadership.

Explain the Good, Bad and Ugly

No matter what career aspiration your child has, there’s likely to be obstacles on the rise. For many parents, it might be the paying for a school that offers a program for the major required.

Rest assured, you and your ex-spouse can seek guidance through financial aid. Consider grants, scholarships, and loans to ensure your child has the best chance at pursuing their dreams.

Another aspect of any career is considering salary, benefits, and most importantly, safety. Ensure that if the career your child is interested in has a high risk to their safety that you can have an honest conversation about how they can manage.

Be sure you can coach them to have an understanding of some of the possible risks affecting their health and wellbeing.

For instance, according to a workers’ compensation lawyer, “in 2012 there was 4,628 fatal injuries and illness nationwide.”

As you can see, there’s a need for your guidance to make sure their passion can also consider the risks involved in any career they pursue.

Co-Parent Effectively

In showing support and guidance in their decision-making as your child strives for their goals and dreams, its key to make sure you and your ex will be on the same page. Be comfortable enough to have a conversation and to gather each other’s thoughts.

By communicating effectively, you will have an opportunity to discuss college expenses, show your child support from both parties, and help them understand all potential risks involved in their career path.

There’s something special about watching your child pursue something they love. This is a time when they will require the support of all parental figures of their life. Strive to show you’re supporting their dreams by remaining engaged and guiding the light on their path to success.

About the author

About the author

Matt Rhoney is an avid reader on trending topics and a writer in his spare time. On the beautiful coast of North Carolina, you will usually find him catching up on the latest news with locals or the beach surfing, kayaking or paddle boarding. He loves to write pieces on health, fitness, and wellness, but often writes about families and safety.[/author]

Helping your teenager plan for their future is increasingly difficult in a society that places a high value on college education but doesn’t have a stable enough economy to provide good jobs for every graduate. Because of this, it is necessary for parents to take an involved approach to make sure their teen has a firm understanding of the action they should take to give themselves the best chance of a secure future. Here are three tips on how to help your teen plan for their education and career future.
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