
Encouraging Your Kids To Pursue A Public Relations Career

Kids sometimes need a little encouragement and guidance to find their way in life. Parents can help them find paths of growth that will lead them to success when they grow up.

One of the most valuable paths a child can pursue is a career in public relations (PR). Here’s a look at why you should encourage your kids to go into a public relations career.

The Rise of Social Media

Social media has become one of the most important mediums in modern society. It impacts nearly every aspect of our lives.

People who learn how to effectively communicate via social media will have a tremendous advantage in almost any field they ultimately decide to pursue. Going into public relations will teach kids everything they need to know to master the art of communicating via social media.

Job Security

One of the greatest satisfactions you’ll get from children having a successful career is knowing they’ll have job security. A public relations career would give your kids excellent experience and most importantly job security.

They will be able to make a steady income to be able to provide for themselves and even a family when the time comes. Knowing this will give you piece of mind knowing your kids will be ok in the real world


A career in public relations is never boring. No two days are alike when you work in PR.

Millennials have trouble getting bored easily thanks to being raised in an environment of constant stimulation and information. Encouraging kids to go into PR allows them to channel their energies into a field where they will find it almost impossible to get bored due to the ever-changing nature of public relations

Teaches Organization

Because of the overstimulation that kids are exposed to in the 21st century, it’s important for them to find ways to focus their energies productively.

A career in public relations is just the ticket for learning how to focus. People in PR have to learn how to organize effectively to do their job right.

They learn how to make lists and check off the items one-by-one. They learn how to manage their time and multitask.

Encouraging your child to enter the PR field allows them to gain the skills they need to focus their energies in a positive manner.

Potential for Advancement

Public relations is a career field where there’s no limit to how far you can go if you work hard. People who go into PR and earn advanced degrees like a master’s degree in public relations will be well-compensated for their efforts.

There are many benefits people enjoy when they embark on a career in PR. If you know of children who are struggling to find an occupation, encourage them to enter the PR field. They will enjoy an exciting, fun and prosperous career.

About the author

About the author

Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. She went to Ohio State University where she studied communications. In her free time, she enjoys the outdoors and long walks in the park with her 3-year-old husky Snowball. Twitter: @LizzieWeakley Facebook:

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