
Four Tips For Better Home Storage

It’s an unfortunate fact many households experience clutter chaos.

As a matter of fact, according to the National Soap and Detergent Association, eliminating clutter would eliminate 40% of the housework in the average home.

With that being said, how do we, as household owners, manage our clutter? The answer is simple.

Through better home storage techniques, we will once and for all be able to tackle our clutter turmoil. Here are four practical and exciting tips for bringing order to the chaos.

Tip #1: Use Containers

The 2012 US census estimated there are 32 million children in 15 million households. With these high figures, you may have already guessed there are clutters of all types: unused appliances, small toys, and other kid-friendly essentials in too many houses to count.

Fortunately, the utilization of containers, preferably clear ones, is an excellent technique for households with these little pieces laying around. Organize everything in its individual category, put it neatly in its container, and label it.

Stack each container on a desk, a bookshelf, or any available corner. This beats the extra housework these materials cause when there’s no home for them.

Tip #2: Use Bins

There are approximately three thousand objects in the average American home. There’s no surprise these items have no particular home in the average household.

The question is how the average family can hold so much stuff? After separating all of the smaller items in containers, dividing the larger items into bins is another excellent home storage strategy.

Large belongings including sports equipment, music equipment, shoes, and medium-size toys can all move to its labeled bin. Like the containers, store the bins in a newly reclaimed vacant area of the household.

Tip #3: Use Clothing Storage Bags 

Did you know most people wear twenty percent of their clothing eighty percent of the time?

So where is the other eighty percent of their clothing they’re not wearing?

If you guessed piled up in the corner of some unused room or a closet, you are correct. Luckily, there’s a solution to this disorganized clutter of clothing.

The important resolution is the use of clothing storage bags. Also known as closet organizers and suit bags, clothing storage bags are ideal for storing an abundance of clothing articles.

This technique proves successful for individuals who own a massive amount of clothing and don’t have enough space to store each piece of garment.

Tip #4: Get Self Storage

Let’s go back to the jaw-dropping fact the average household possesses about three thousand items. With the use of containers, bins, and clothing storage bags, it’s likely your clutter problem is still unresolved.

Taking into consideration most American households measure 1,400 square feet and less, there’s no possible way to live comfortably with this much stuff. Therefore, another solution is to get self-storage.

There are many storage companies available that will be happy to provide you with storage units for your inessential possessions with one of them being Decatur self-storage. Self-storage companies provide any size units from closet-sized to a large room size group.

Their main goal is to take the clutter out of households so everyone can live in tranquility.

Because most of us have a desire to own new things, our households will continue to pile up with old items. These previously used possessions will ultimately turn into piles of chaos.

For that reason, developing a plan for home storage is key to flawless home maintenance. These four tips will undoubtedly help you get your household surroundings back to your standards.

About the author

About the author

Meghan Belnap is a freelance writer who enjoys spending time with her family. She also enjoys being in the outdoors and exploring new opportunities whenever they arise as well as researching new topics to expand her horizons. You can often find her buried in a good book or out looking for an adventure.

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