
Four Late Summer Family Outing Ideas

When the curtain begins to fall on summer, you should start planning on how to spend some great quality family time as you can. The kids will soon be back in school, which means your schedules will soon be too busy to get away even for a weekend in many cases.

Luckily, there are loads of fun things you can do as a family this time of year. Here is a look at four great late summer outing ideas for late summer to enjoy at least one last act of quality family time.

1. Camping

One of the best bonding activities for families in the late summer is to go on a camping trip. You will make memories that last a lifetime on a family camping trip.

Be sure to bring plenty of hot dogs and the fixings for s’mores. If someone in the family plays the guitar, make sure to have them bring it along.

Even without a guitar, having family singalongs around the campfire is magical. You can also enjoy stargazing, swimming and hiking on your camping trip.

2. Head to a Water Park

No matter what area of the country you live in, there is likely a water park that is near your location. You may have to drive a few hours to get there, but staying a weekend at a waterpark is a great way to have fun with your kids before school gets back into session.

And the cooler weather of late summer may mean that fewer people will be there to stand in line. Make sure to bring plenty of sunblock to avoid coming home with a sunburn.

3. Head to a Nearby Town

Many folks always think about faraway destinations for family outings. Instead, visit an interesting location nearby your hometown.

You can stay in a nice hotel with a pool so the kids can enjoy swimming on the trip. This is a great way to bond while discovering new places in your locality.

4. ATV Riding

Get a trailer from a place like Hillsboro Industries and load it up with some ATVs for a magical family bonding experience.

The thrill of riding across the backcountry on an ATV will thrill parents and children alike.

Make sure you get the proper safety gear like helmets and padding to stay safe while you’re zipping around on your ATVs.

These four ideas are all wonderful ways to bond with your family to finish up the summer on the right note. There are loads of fun places to explore right in your own area of the country. Head out to enjoy all your area has to offer with your family before you get back into the grind of the school year.

About the author

About the author

Dixie Somers is a full-time mother and part-time freelance writer and blogger. She has written for many niches, including home, family, finance and health. She lives in Arizona with her three girls 8, 12 and 14 and husband.

This is Dixie’s 20th article. Some of her past titles include Four Ways to Help You Better Understand Your Teenager, Second Marriage – How to Make it Stronger, Better, and Sweeter Than Your First, and Teen Driver – Five Apps That Will Keep Them Safe.

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  1. You made a good point that going to a nearby town is a good way to look for family attractions during an outing. My kids are very active so I think a high ropes course would be good. I will just have to make sure that the facility has enough safety features.

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